Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Vacationing with God #2; Orvieto, Italy


  The town of Orvieto sits high upon a mountain and it's charm increases with the upward slope of the streets.  We walked the steep street which led to a large fourteenth century cathedral with an amazing facade of statues, carvings and sculptures that you could spend hours marveling.  Even though this was breathtaking, we were eager to enter the cathedral for what was actually miraculous.  The cathedral houses one of the "miracles of the Eucharist".

 For those of you unfamiliar with this miracle, let me share a brief description.  In the mid 1200's, a priest, Peter of Prague, stopped by a nearby town of Orvieto on his way to Rome to celebrate mass.  He unfortunately was having personal doubts about the true presence of Christ in the Eucharist.  When he lifted the host and spoke the words of consecration, he saw drops of blood coming from the host and dripping onto the alter table and even onto the floor.  At once he wrapped the host with the corporal ( a linen alter cloth).   It is said that Father Peter did not even finish mass and rushed to Orvieto because he knew Pope Urban V was staying there.  He showed Pope Urban V the host and corporal and told him what had occurred.

  Large frescoes adorn the walls of the cathedral to retell the miraculous event.  As we gazed at the blood stained cloth which wrapped the bleeding host,  I felt blessed to be so near to the relics.  As I stood there I wondered if Father Peter had echoed the apostle Thomas' words, "My Lord and My God!"

 Even though this was an amazing event in history, our Lord is so loving and generous that He offers each of us this miracle at each and every mass.  In our own churches the miracle of the Eucharist occurs daily transforming our own heart and those of our neighbors.  We may not see the drops of blood with our eyes, but certainly we are witnesses of His Presence when we reach out to help one another and when we ourselves receive help at difficult times.  Yes, I truly believe in the miracle of the Eucharist, not because I have gazed upon relics, but because I have witnessed faith-filled people in action.  As the song written by Ann Wilson goes, "How beautiful is the Body of Christ..."
