Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Tunic (part 22)

(The Tunic is a fictional story based on the Passion of Jesus. The story began on post March 18, 2019.)

  As Cato rode home he had a million thoughts competing for his attention.  He had already requested three days off from his superior officer.  The officer was reluctant at first, but Cato pleaded his son was in need of healing.  It wasn't the first time he had made this plea.  Everyone knew Cato's son had been in a fire.  Cato, however, never told any of his fellow soldiers that Remus had already been healed-- healed by Jesus.

   Cato had stopped at their home in Jerusalem. He left his soldier's uniform behind and changed into a garment he had bought from a Jewish man at the market. For a moment he wondered if he was making the right decision. It was crazy to think he would place his life and those that he loved most in danger.  It was even crazier to think that he had so much trust in a God he barely knew.
  Cato pushed his doubts aside as he wrapped up some blankets.  He wanted to give the impression that he was carrying his son in these as he rode away.  He didn't think anyone was watching him, but he didn't want to take any chances.  He began to ride in the opposite direction of Livia and Remus and circled back when he was far away.  He had been accustomed to taking a different path to them every time.  Their safety always weighted heavily on his mind. Cato wasn't exactly sure how to pray to Jesus.  He wasn't sure if it was the same as the Roman gods, but he begged Jesus to keep Livia and Remus safe. Over and over he prayed, "Please, Jesus, punish only me.  My sins are many, but please let them live.  Do not punish them for my sins."
  As Cato got close to the house, he noticed a group of people gathered outside.  His heart started racing.  "How did they find Livia and Remus already?  I had been so careful."  Instinctively , he grabbed for his sword.  He would do whatever was necessary for his family.  Again Cato prayed, "Please Jesus, punish only me.  Let my family live!" 
  When he was almost upon the crowd, Cato drew his sword. He was ready for a fight!
  Livia's eyes grew wide as Cato got close.  "Cato! N0! NO!  We're safe!  We're safe!"  She turned to Mary, Martha, and Lazarus, "Go inside quick!  He doesn't know who you are!"  The three of them ran quickly inside before Cato had dismounted. Livia ran towards Cato, "Cato, please put your sword away!  We aren't in danger!  They are friends.  Mary and Martha are my friends.  Lazarus is their brother."
  Cato quickly assessed the situation digesting Livia's words. Friends. Safe. No danger. Cato looked around.  Remus was standing next to Livia.  Both were fine.  Cato cautiously put his sword back into its sheath.  He reached his arms out to Livia,  "You're ok?"
  "Yes, Cato.  We were just talking.  We are not in danger."
  Cato let out a big sigh of relief as he engulfed both Livia and Remus into his arms.  "I was so worried.  I thought...."
  "It's ok.  We're ok."  The three just stood there holding each other for a few minutes.  "Cato, I want you to meet Mary, Martha, and Lazarus.  They are good people, Cato.  They won't hurt us. Although I'm sure you gave them a pretty good scare."  Livia raised her eyebrows and threw Cato a smile and squeezed his hand. "Come on, let me introduce you...we have something interesting to discuss with you."
  "Come on, Papa, you will like them.  They are very nice!"
  Cato let out another deep sigh.  "Are you absolutely sure they are not enemies Livia?"
  "I am absolutely sure they will not hurt us," declared Livia. "You know I would never put Remus in harms way." Livia was about to head towards the house when she changed her mind.  "Cato is everything okay for us to leave?  Is there anything I should know?"
  Cato looked around before answering in a very soft voice.  "Yes. We will leave today before anyone is aware of what we have planned."
  Livia lowered her voice as well,  "Do you have a definite plan for us?"
  "I don't have definite plans.  I have bought us some time.  We have at least three days before they will come looking for us.  We should be able to put some good distance between us and them.  We will have to find a good places to hide along the way.  I promise I will keep you both safe.  I will do whatever I have to do. I want to leave as soon as possible.  Can we just ask these people to leave?"
  Livia hesitated for a second.  "We could ask them to leave, Cato, but could you at least come meet them first.  There's something I want you to hear."

(to be continued...)

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The Tunic (part 21)

(The Tunic is a fictional story based on the Passion of Jesus. The story began on post March 18, 2019.)

  Livia looked around.  Everything was ready if they were to depart tonight.  She was exhausted and anxious for Cato to return.  She wondered how angry Cato would be when he discovers that Livia had shared everything with Mary and Martha.  She would have to tell him . . .  eventually. . . and hopefully before Remus said anything.  She wondered if it was right to ask Remus to keep this a secret for a little bit?
  Livia headed outside to find Remus.  She decided to put all her worries on hold for a few minutes.  This may be the last chance they would have to just play openly in the fields.  Livia had no idea what their immediate future might look like. She quickly found Remus and challenged him to a race.  Remus loved running now, and he discovered he was actually a fast runner.  Watching his face light up with a big smile as he ran made Livia laugh with pleasure, too.  Losing a race to Remus felt wonderful!
  Livia had sat down for a minute to catch her breath when Remus shouted,"Look Mama! I think Martha and Mary are coming back!  It looks like someone else is with them, some man."
  Instinctively, Livia grabbed Remus' arm and pulled him close to her side. "Remus, please, let me handle this.  If I tell you to run, I want you to run as fast and as far as you can.  Try to find a good place to hide until Papa comes home."
  Remus was shocked, "What?  Why would I do that?"
  "Please Remus, you must do as I ask!  Stay right here.  I will go talk to them first." Livia released Remus' arm and slowly walked towards Mary, Martha, and the unidentified man with them.
  As Livia approached them, Mary began yelling, "Livia!  Oh, Livia! We are so glad you are still here!"  Both Mary and Martha were smiling as they approached slightly out of breath.  Livia remained silent and motionless.  She had no idea what to expect.  
  Livia was even more surprised when Martha reached out and grabbed her hand. "Livia, we want to help you! All of you! We ran home and told Lazarus everything! Oh, this is our brother, Lazarus."  Now that Lazarus was close, Livia could not help but notice the family resemblance.  Lazarus nodded his head and smiled.
  "Livia, I'm sorry we left without saying anything.  Martha and I knew we wanted to help you immediately, but we needed to discuss the details with Lazarus first. We know of a place not too far from here that you could stay.  It's nothing special-- it's actually very primitive.  It is a cave at the very far end of our property.  Many years ago, it was used by my relatives for herding.  It's been unused for a long time now. It is a bit difficult to find and very few people even know it exists."
  Livia was completely overwhelmed.  "You are not angry with us?"
  "No," said Mary and Martha in unison.
  "Livia, I'm sorry if we gave you that impression.  Your story was quite unexpected, but it is obvious that the Lord is working in your lives. I once heard Jesus tell his disciples that a healing that touched a person's heart and caused a transformation was by far more incredible than any physical healing," explained Martha.
  "Oh, yes, that's so true.  Remember sister when He said that heaven rejoices more over one sinner that repents, then ninety nine righteous people who do not need to repent!"
  Livia smiled at hearing those words. "There is so much I need to learn!"
  "And we can teach you if you stay close!  We could also help keep you safe and make sure that Remus always has food to eat," promised Mary.
  "I am so very grateful. I never would have imagined such generosity, but I will need to discuss this with Cato."
  "Of course you do.  Lazarus would like to discuss some things with Cato as well.  He wants to ensure our safety as well as your family's safety.  I think we need to let the men talk, and then we will be able to work out all the details."
  "Mary, are you sure you want to risk your own safety for us?" Livia asked.
  Mary smiled as if she new a secret. "Livia, the Lord is calling each of us to a new life.  We must leave our old ways behind. We must love one another the way Jesus taught us. So many times I heard Jesus preach about loving our neighbor. The world could know true peace if we just loved one another. That is how others will know we are disciples of Jesus--by our great love for one another."
  "Mama, I see Papa coming!" screamed Remus.
  Livia turned her attention to the road and saw Cato approaching. She felt both excited and scared as she wondered how she would explain things to Cato.

(to be continued...)


Monday, September 2, 2019

The Tunic (part 20)

(The Tunic is a fictional story based on the Passion of Jesus. The story began on post March 18, 2019.)

  Livia slowly told Mary and Martha everything.  She began with the day Jesus had been crucified and Cato's role as a Roman soldier.  Livia could physically see the pain in Mary and Martha's eyes when she told them Cato had won Jesus' tunic.  Jesus had been their close friend, perhaps this was too much for them to hear. Livia then told them how the tunic miraculously cured both Remus and herself.  She shared the details of their painful injuries from the awful fire and how Remus could barely walk.  She did her best to describe the powerful surge of heat which coursed through her body as she had been healed.  Remus explained in his own words what he had felt as well. Livia revealed her unquenchable thirst for Jesus ever since the healing. The woman sat very still as they tried to understand all that Livia was sharing.
  "I am no longer the same person." Livia explained.  "I want to be a follower of Jesus more than you can imagine, but I know my sins-our sins-may not allow us.  Cato, too, has changed.  He no longer wishes to be a Roman soldier.  In fact, he is making plans for us leave.  Cato will be killed if Pilate and the other's discover his desire to follow Jesus.  He comes home tonight and we may leave immediately." The silence felt alienating to Livia.  She wondered if she should have said anything at all. Feeling desperate she pleaded, "Please, I beg you to keep our secret. I would not have shared any of this with you, except when I heard everything that you have experienced, I want to live with faith like yours. I heard you say that Jesus came to save sinners. I want Jesus to save me. I want him to save Remus and Cato, too."
  "Livia, where will you go?" inquired Martha.
  "I don't know.  It will be up to Cato.  He will keep us safe."
  "You would risk your lives in order to follow Jesus?" questioned Mary.
  "Yes.  We are sinners, but we desire to change.  Cato heard Peter speak of being baptized.  His fiery words touched Cato's heart deeply.  We all wish to be baptized, but we realize we have much to learn.  We will hide until it is safe.  Then we will begin again."
  The women looked at each other.  "Livia, do not take this the wrong way, but we need to step outside for a minute and process everything you have told us," explained Martha.
  Martha and Mary stepped outside to talk.
  "Mama are Mary and Martha upset with us?" Remus asked.
  "Remus, I don't know.  There are so many things I don't know."
  "Well,  I'm very happy we are going to follow Jesus.  He's happy about it, too!" revealed Remus.
  "And how do you know that?" asked Livia.
  "I had a dream about it.  At least I think it was a dream.  I was laying out in the field when I heard His voice.  I didn't even know I was sleeping, but I heard Him say, 'Remus I want you to follow My ways.'  I told Jesus, 'Yes, I will!'  It felt really good to tell Him that. It made me very happy!"
  Livia smiled at Remus and hugged him tight.  "Well if you made that promise to Jesus, then I think you should do everything you can to keep it."  
  Livia went back to packing some belongings when she heard Remus shout, "Mamma I think they left.  I don't see them anymore."
  Livia was sad that Martha and Mary had left.  She had hoped they would have understood.  Livia realized that things might be more difficult then she had originally thought.  Still she really wanted to follow Jesus. She was ready to endure whatever it would take, because like Remus, she had felt Jesus calling her as well.  She, too, had told Jesus, "Yes!"

(to be continued...)
