Sunday, December 29, 2019

"I Am the Light of the World"

  This is a picture of my brother's backyard on Christmas.  My brother is one of those people who's yard always looks impeccable and his Christmas decorations and lights always turn heads, but he was truly humbled as he looked out.  He sent me this picture with the following message, "God's Christmas lights are always the best...Merry Christmas!"
  I had been sitting beside my dad's hospital bed and missed the beautiful sunset, but I didn't miss the point.  Over two thousand years ago, God shared His Light with the world and Jesus continues to illuminate the Father's love to each of us.  When all of the presents had been exchanged on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, God reminds us that the best gift to receive is the Light of Christ. The world's lights of the season will come and go, but the true Light will never leave us.  My brother recognized that God had blessed our corner of the world with a beautiful gift this Christmas, and the best thing to do with God's gifts is to share them!


Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Merry Christmas!

May we humbly adore the beautiful Christ Child,
and allow ourselves to be overcome
with God's love for us!
Merry Christmas!


Monday, December 23, 2019

Advent Changes-The Invitation

  Chelsea was surprised by Her guardian angel’s question.  Of course she wanted to say “yes” right away, but she knew that wouldn’t be easy for her.  Chelsea was not an extravert  How was she just supposed to invite people to mass.  Who would even listen to her?  Chelsea tossed and turned the rest of the night.
  Chelsea woke up and remembered her dream.  It made her uncomfortable.  She knew she was being asked to change- to step out of her comfort zone.  How was she going to just ask people to come to church?  She thought for awhile. “Come on, Chelsea,” she said to herself. "Christmas is a religious holiday, this is probably a great time of year to try.”  As Chelsea continued to get ready for the day she came up with an idea.
   She began going out of her way to wish people, "Merry Christmas."  Then she would ask them, "Hey, what do you like best about Christmas?"  She made sure she gave each person her full attention and responded positively to their answer.  Next she would share what she loved most about Christmas. She would always answer, “I love going to mass!”  Chelsea would share something she loved about the Christmas mass.  She was surprised how positively most people responded to her answer.  
  Chelsea knew this wasn’t exactly a direct invitation to go to mass, but she felt this approach was a good start. She was able to talk to others about the mass in a casual, comfortable way.  Was it simple?  Sure. Was she making a difference?  She didn't know, but Chelsea decided that it really wasn’t up to her alone. She was planting small seeds.  She knew that God could do great things with just the smallest amount of faith.  As Advent drew to a close, Chelsea found herself more excited than ever to celebrate the Christmas mass with everyone this year!


Monday, December 16, 2019

Advent Changes- Week 3

  Chelsea continued to pray for guidance each night.  During the third week of Advent she experienced another dream.  In the dream she found herself praying at mass.  This mass seemed different.  The music was so joyous!  It was as if the number of voices singing had been doubled.  She looked around to see how crowded the church must be.  Chelsea was confused when she saw so many empty seats.  She turned her focus back to the mass.  
  After receiving Communion, Chelsea knelt down and prayed like she always did.  However, she felt a hand on shoulder and heard a familiar voice say, "Look up." Chelsea saw a brilliant beam of light coming from the altar. She had never seen anything so incredible.  She didn't understand how, but she felt as if her prayers joined with the light.  In the background she could hear the beautiful Communion song singing Jesus' name over and over, and she no longer knew if she was in heaven, or earth, or both! Her heart was filled with joy!
  As the celebration of the mass came to an end, Chelsea once more noticed the number of empty seats. She again heard her angel's voice, "I truly wish everyone would answer the invitation.  They have no idea what they are missing."
  Chelsea felt her angel's sadness.  "Maybe God just needs to tell them how beautiful the mass is and invite them again."
  Chelsea felt her angel's hand on her shoulder and his breath on her ear as he asked, "Could He use your voice? Could you deliver His message?"


Monday, December 9, 2019

Advent Changes Week 2

    Chelsea knelt down and repeated her prayer from the previous week.  "Lord, help me to draw closer to you this Advent season."  She thought about some of the changes she had tried to make this week.  Changing habits is easier said than done, but she felt like she was making some better choices.   Whenever she felt like making a snide comment, she held her tongue and remembered the beauty of the garden.  She pictured herself holding baby Jesus in this beautiful garden on Christmas Day. When she was done praying, Chelsea fell asleep trying to feel the incredible love she had felt in the garden.
  An hour or so later, Chelsea found herself far from the beautiful garden.  She found herself walking on a dusty street amid make shift houses of cardboard one right next to another.  The conditions were deplorable.  Who could live like this? Unfortunately, there were many living here.  Old and young,  malnourished and sickly, and so many different ethnicities were crying out and speaking different languages. Their voices were piercing, their stares disturbing, and the smell was unbearable.  Chelsea wanted to run, but there was nowhere to run.  Why was she here?
  Once again she felt a hand on her shoulder and heard him speak,  "Do you recognize where you are?"
  "No! I don't!" Chelsea almost screamed. Chelsea slowly turned 360 degrees trying to take in everything.  "I don't know where I am, but its obvious these people need help."
  "Who should help them?" her angel asked her.
  "I don't know who could help them," she hesitated for a minute and then added very softly, "Why doesn't God help them?" As the words came out of her mouth, she suddenly noticed that many of the people were on their knees. She looked up for the first time and noticed a roof above her.  Chelsea was so confused.
  "Chelsea if you look closely, you will notice you are in your church."
  "What?  I have never been in a church like this!"
  "This is the church you attend weekly."
  Chelsea shook her head.  "I don't understand."
  Christ came two thousand years ago to help the oppressed, the lonely, the forgotten, the poor, the isolated, the sinners.  The Church continues to do the same.  Think about some of the prayer intentions during the mass.  We are all children of God.  We need to help one another. We need to pray for one another.  If only people understood how powerful prayer can be. Prayer opens a heart and mind to the merciful love of God.  If only you understood His goodness and generosity, life on earth would be so different.  God hears every prayer and He inspires His people to act with mercy towards each other. But when hearts and minds and ears are closed to His voice, injustice and greed and jealousy flourish. Chelsea allow your prayers not only to touch the heart of God, but let your prayers touch the hearts of your neighbors.  Do not judge. Do not offer excuses.  Do not let your differences make you uncomfortable.  You are not different than them. At times, others have seen your face in this crowd.  God heard your cries and petitions and inspired others to help you.  Remember your garden will bloom wherever you allow it to grow roots."
  Hours later Chelsea woke up.  The vision her angel shared with her, burned deeply with in her. She had always seen her church as a building that housed the Lord. Now she understood that the Church needed no walls.  The Church needed people to carry the light of Christ out into the world.  After a lot of prayer, Chelsea went outside and began tearing down the fences that she had built between her and her neighbors.  Then she got down on her hands and knees and began to plant a garden.


Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Advent Changes

  Chelsea knelt down in prayer. "My Lord, I desire to draw closer to you this Advent season. I don't want to just repeat what I did last year. Sometimes I feel like I am not fully awake to Your Presence. How can I better prepare for Your coming this year?"  Chelsea resisted the temptation to continue speaking. She cleared her mind and waited for a response. Moments of silence passed.
  "Ask your guardian angel to help you prepare," was the thought she heard.
  Chelsea wondered how she might do this?  She turned her attention to her invisible angel and said, "Please my angelic friend, help me prepare for the coming of Christ."  Nothing happened immediately.  Chelsea finished her prayers and then crawled into bed.  She closed her eyes and fell asleep within minutes.  An hour later Chelsea found herself walking into the most beautiful garden she had ever seen. She had never seen plants and flowers like this before.  Their vibrant colors were indescribable. The flower petals felt like velvet and the blades of grass felt like silk.  Exotic birds rested in amazing flowering trees. Each step forward led to another incredible discovery.  The air gently blew around her with a hint of honeysuckle and orchids. A flowing turquoise river tumbled down a granite mountain misting the air with refreshing peaceful energy.  Chelsea sat down near the river. She placed her hand on her heart expecting to touch the love she felt, while listening to a beautiful song of praise being sung from the mountaintop.  It was the most joyful moment of her life. She wondered if she had died and gone to heaven.  
  Just then she felt a gentle hand on her shoulder.  "Do you not recognize where you are?" asked a voice.
  "I'm sure I would remember being in such an incredible place," Chelsea answered. 
 "You are inside your soul the day God made you."
  " I was made with this much love and beauty?"
  "Does my soul still look like this?"
  Silence. "The beauty of your soul is up to you. The more you are open to God's love, the more beautiful it becomes.  Be open to God, but guard yourself from what is not. God's love is unlimited.  He can restore and heal everything."
   Chelsea awoke the next morning remembering everything. She realized that God's love was even more incredible than she had ever imagined.  She thought deeply for a minute, and then got down on her knees.  "Lord restore my soul to its former beauty.  Help me to guard myself against any damaging habits. Help me to be open to new possibilities."  Chelsea spent the next week very consciously choosing to make changes in her life.  She was no longer willing to risk injuring the beauty of her soul with unthoughtful habits.
