Sunday, November 27, 2022

The Invitation


 Briskly, you walk into church and sit in your usual seat. Then, as you wait for Mass to begin, you dismiss your thoughts of the world and open your heart to God's Word. Now, as the people were sitting in their pews, keeping watch over their thoughts,  an angel of the Lord appeared to them. The angel said to all, "Do not be afraid to open your hearts to God. Today I bring you good news of great joy! The celebration of the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ, will come to this place on December 25th. All are invited to come!"

 Suddenly there was a multitude of angels singing and praising God! "Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests." Together the congregation replies, "Glory to God in the highest..." Your heart soars high with love!

 As Mass continues, you thank God for your ears. You are blessed to hear the Truth of God's Word. Give thanks that you can hear angels singing and announcing the birth of the Lord. Thank God for giving your eyes that will perceive the star of Bethlehem. Your journey begins today! Prepare for the coming of the Lord!  


(The Invitation is based on the Gospel of Luke.)

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Are You Ready?


   Recently one of my students asked me, "Do you think the food in heaven will be any good?"

 "The food will be amazing! Jesus tells us that the Kingdom of God is like a wedding banquet! People spend a lot of time planning a wedding because they want everything to be wonderful. I'm sure the feast God has planned for us will be better than anything we could imagine." I replied.

 I share this story because I worry that too many underestimate God's and heaven's glory. Will Eternity be better than this life? Is it really worth making sacrifices and carrying our crosses? Absolutely! There is no comparison. The heavenly banquet is all prepared. He has sent us our invitation, but our response determines our place at the table.

 Advent is about to begin. Have you started planning for this heavenly celebration? The hustle and bustle don't have to be a part of it. Don't let the world tell you how to celebrate Christmas. Instead, take your cue from our Lord. How does He want you to celebrate His birthday this year? Take this time to pause, pray, and plan. Jesus is coming. Will you be ready?


Sunday, November 13, 2022

How Long?


  The prisoner was led into his cell. Before the guard closed the door, the prisoner asked, “How long will I have to stay here?”

  The guard replied, “It’s hard to say. It’s really up to you. “

  The man looked confused as the door to freedom shut, and the key turned. He looked around his cell. A bed in the corner, a book on a stand, and an entertainment counsel on the opposite wall. The man smiled. “I can handle this,” he thought to himself. 

  He sat in the chair hour after hour, entirely mesmerized by the unlimited number of shows, games, and social media content. The hours turned into days, and the days into weeks. Yet, he was happy to still be connected to the world.

  Every day the guard walked by in disbelief. Finally, as the guard walked to the end of the long hall, his coworker looked at him. “How long do you think it will take him to figure it out?”

  The guard shook his head and said, “It’s hard to say. The book is collecting dust.”

  The book in the corner was the key to the cell door. On the front of the book were two words-Holy Bible. Inside the book were the words of Truth. The Truth would set the man free. But, unfortunately, the man was too busy to notice he was imprisoning himself. 


Sunday, November 6, 2022



 Styles come, and styles go. What I think may be in fashion is not necessarily my kids' opinion. But lately, I keep wondering...Is holiness still attractive? Can one dress to the nines in integrity? Can respect go with any outfit? And how about honesty? Could anything really clash with it? Would you agree that kindness could casually be worn anywhere?

 I'm not usually one to plan my outfits out ahead of time, but maybe it's a good idea. I should look twice in the mirror and ensure I'm dressed and ready for heaven. The runway may start here on earth, but white robes washed in the blood of the Lamb are still all the rage in Paradise. Styles come and go on earth, but holiness is still heaven's timeless, classic look. So, I have to ask, "What are you wearing tomorrow?"



Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Happy All Saints and All Souls Day!


 There is a legend that someone in heaven is thinking about you when a cardinal comes to visit you. Many believe it is a departed loved one. Personally, I like this legend. It is comforting that the angels and saints in heaven want to be near us.  

 I don’t believe that love has spatial limits. Love is powerful when shared. Heaven can feel the earth’s love, and the world can feel heaven’s love. We are in communion with one another. The body of Christ is made up of the faithful in heaven, in purgatory, and on earth. 

 I like this legend because every time I see a cardinal, I remember those who have gone before me. I remember the love we share. I offer up a prayer for the souls in purgatory, and I wonder about heaven and feeling the embrace of God. So whether the cardinal coincidentally sat outside my window or was inspired by heaven makes no difference to me. That little bird broke into my day and reminded me of the promise of heaven. A promise of love offered to me by an all-loving God. So yes, I smile when I see that beautiful cardinal because I know that the mystical body of Christ is no legend, it is true. The fact that I am allowed to be a part of it is beyond amazing and worth celebrating! I wish great happiness to the saints in heaven and the souls in purgatory. I look forward to the day we will all celebrate together in heaven. 
