Saturday, January 27, 2024

How Clear Is Your Vision?


  This morning, I let my dog outside and looked across the backyard. There was something in the yard that looked unusual to me. I asked my daughter, "What is that in the yard?" 

 "Mom, that is just a fallen tree branch with shriveled-up leaves," she answered confidently, surprised at my confusion.

 "No, I don't think it is," I responded. I took my phone out of my back pocket, took a picture, and zoomed in on it. "Oh, you were right."

 "I know I was, " my daughter teased. "I don't know why you couldn't see it."

 Most of us can relate to not always seeing things accurately. This thought popped into my brain while preparing for tomorrow's readings. I imagined myself sitting in my usual pew at Mass. What did I see at Mass, and how much am I missing? How visible is God to me? Am I seeing the whole picture?

  How is this same Mass viewed from heaven? I imagine it is entirely different. From heaven, our understanding will be complete and our vision clear. God will be so visibly present in each moment. Imagine seeing the graces given to the Church and to each person present. Imagine seeing all the angels and saints surrounding the altar. Seeing the Lamb of God given to the Father just for you. Envision praising God with new boldness and love. 

  Tomorrow, I'm going to try to see the Mass differently. I know my vision will still be limited, but what if I allow God to enlighten my heart and soul so my mind can envision more than I currently see? And, I wonder if God will teasingly tell me, "I don't know why you couldn't see it?"  


Sunday, January 21, 2024

Stay Hungry


 My daughter told me a cute story I thought I would share. She had gone to Mass that day, and after receiving Holy Communion, my five-year-old granddaughter was pouting and giving my daughter a look. My daughter whispered, "What's wrong?"

 My granddaughter answered, "It must be nice that they gave you something to eat. I didn't get anything."

 "Are you hungry?" my daughter asked.

 "Yes, I am!" my granddaughter replied.

 After Mass, my daughter got my granddaughter a snack and explained that she was receiving the Body and Blood of Jesus. This made quite an impression on my granddaughter because she excitedly told me later that day, "Did you know my Mom received Jesus' body and blood today?"

 I wanted to share this story because sometimes we take the Eucharist for granted. The Eucharist is such an incredible gift!  We may no longer allow our childhood wonder to amaze us. We forget to approach the altar hungry for our Lord. It is easy to fill our stomachs and intellect, but our soul is starving to be reunited with Jesus. We allow our bodies and minds to voice their needs, yet we are deaf to the cries of our souls.

 I want to offer some advice. Listen to the inner voice of your soul. It is crying out for love. A love that cannot be found on earth. A love so strong that it destroyed death and opened the doors of heaven wide open. Allow your soul to hunger for the Lord and beg the Father to give you this day, your daily bread.



Saturday, January 13, 2024

God's Stuff


  I received a wonderful little surprise just before Christmas. One of my children's friends came over with a gift for me. He had recently visited Poland and brought me a picture of St. John Paul II. He told me he had noticed the religious things around my house and thought I would like it. I was really touched by his thoughtfulness. Later, I showed my new souvenir to my other kids. I repeated the conversation and said, "Can you believe he noticed my religious pictures? He hasn't been to the house that many times."

 My children started laughing, "Mom, everyone notices your religious pictures. They are everywhere and in every room."

 "Well, no one has ever made a comment to me before," I added.

 My daughter, still laughing, said, "Yeah, one person even told me, "Wow, you have a lot of God stuff!"

  I took that as a total compliment. "Oh, I like the thought of living in a house with God's stuff!"

 Of course, I know that a house with God's stuff would not be a collection of things. It would be a house where people were loved unconditionally. A place of patience, forgiveness, and understanding. A home dedicated to hard work, sacrifice, and moments of peace and prayer. It would be the domestic church.

 God knows my little domestic church is far from perfect, but we do have moments of holiness. I wish there were more of them. It is definitely something to strive for in the new year. Could the challenge be a little smaller? Yes, but looking back at my life, I can see how my faith grew in challenging and complex moments. Perhaps God gave me this family because these individuals will help me become a saint, and in turn, I will help them. We're not perfect, but I look forward to filling my house with God's "stuff" as we continue the journey toward heaven.


Sunday, January 7, 2024

An Epiphany You Can Trust


  One night in early December, I walked my dog through the neighborhood. I absolutely fell in love with this manger scene. It was so beautiful. I made a habit of walking by it, especially at night. Awkwardly, I would stop and stare and wonder.

 Everyone in that scene had traveled far and trusted God with each step. The birthplace of Christ was a surprise to everyone. No one knew the game plan. As each door was closed in his face, Joseph trusted that God would leave one door open. Mary followed Joseph to a stable, trusting that her son's birth would occur as God had intended. Three men dropped everything, trusting this star would lead them to the newborn King.

 Even today, the path to Jesus can surprise and challenge us. Jesus calls us to come closer. However, our feet will not have to travel great distances; instead, it is a journey for our hearts. God has placed signs and symbols and people to light the path. We only need to allow our trust in God to open our eyes to realize He is standing beside us. Come adore the newborn King. The angels are still singing, Christ's Light is just as bright, and we only need to trust that God will direct all our steps. Go ahead, trust God. This has always been His Plan for you. 
