Sunday, January 21, 2024

Stay Hungry


 My daughter told me a cute story I thought I would share. She had gone to Mass that day, and after receiving Holy Communion, my five-year-old granddaughter was pouting and giving my daughter a look. My daughter whispered, "What's wrong?"

 My granddaughter answered, "It must be nice that they gave you something to eat. I didn't get anything."

 "Are you hungry?" my daughter asked.

 "Yes, I am!" my granddaughter replied.

 After Mass, my daughter got my granddaughter a snack and explained that she was receiving the Body and Blood of Jesus. This made quite an impression on my granddaughter because she excitedly told me later that day, "Did you know my Mom received Jesus' body and blood today?"

 I wanted to share this story because sometimes we take the Eucharist for granted. The Eucharist is such an incredible gift!  We may no longer allow our childhood wonder to amaze us. We forget to approach the altar hungry for our Lord. It is easy to fill our stomachs and intellect, but our soul is starving to be reunited with Jesus. We allow our bodies and minds to voice their needs, yet we are deaf to the cries of our souls.

 I want to offer some advice. Listen to the inner voice of your soul. It is crying out for love. A love that cannot be found on earth. A love so strong that it destroyed death and opened the doors of heaven wide open. Allow your soul to hunger for the Lord and beg the Father to give you this day, your daily bread.



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