Monday, August 30, 2021

The Door Is Open

   I sat outside on my deck watching the clouds very slowly float across the sky. It all looked so beautiful and peaceful. It’s no wonder why clouds have been associated with heaven. What could be more amazing than floating on a big white fluffy cloud, blue skies above you, and rays of sunshine warming your face? It’s always easier to think of heaven as somewhere up there, somewhere far away in distance and time. Is that true though?

 As I immersed myself in the words of the Eucharistic prayers at Mass yesterday, I was reminded that heaven’s joy is right here, right now. Saints, sinners, angels are all gathered to celebrate God’s, incredible love. God is here. The Kingdom is centered around the altar. Jesus shares His body and blood with us, to heal, transform, and inspire. Filled with the Light of God, we will know true peace. 

 God doesn't expect us to catch a ride on a cloud to get to heaven. He has left a door wide open for us-- The Holy Mass. Celebrating Mass isn't just a good idea, it is the path that leads us to eternal salvation. Leave the sky to the birds and clouds, and concentrate on each step of the journey here on earth.


Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Seeing Clearly


 Bob found the old familiar key on his keychain and slid it into the front lock. “Mom, it’s me,” he yelled as he walked into the house. 

 “I’m in the study,” yelled his mother. “Come on back, I’m almost done.”

 Bob walked down the hallway and stopped at the doorway. There was his mom with her face inches away from the book she was reading. Of course, he recognized the very worn-out Bible his mother was reading. “Hey, Mom, are you ready to go?”

 “Go where?” His mother asked. 

 “To your eye appointment. Remember?”

 “Oh, I don’t know why we have to bother doing that. I can see well enough.”

 “Mom I think a new pair of glasses would help you see things a lot more clearly. I don’t want you to have to put your face so close to the pages. I want you to be able to enjoy reading.”

 “What makes you think I’m not enjoying myself? Maybe I just like being that close to Jesus when He’s talking,” Eleanor said as she smiled 

 Bob chuckled at his mother’s sense of humor. “Come on we are going to be late.”

 A few hours later Bob and Eleanor returned home with a new pair of glasses. “Thanks for taking me today, Bobby. You better get a move on if you want to miss rush hour traffic.”

 “Your right, but I have one more surprise for you.” Bob grabbed a back out of the backseat. “Look inside, Mom. When you were getting your exam, I ran next door to the bookstore and bought you a brand new Bible to go with your new glasses.”

 “Oh, that was very thoughtful of you Bobby. You shouldn’t have spent your money. There’s nothing wrong with my Bible.”

 “I know there’s nothing wrong with it, I just wanted to treat you with a new version. It has nice illustrations in it just like your old one.” Eleanor smiled and tucked her new Bible under her arm as they walked up the front walk.

 A few days later, Bob took out the old familiar key and let himself in the front door again. “Hey, Mom, it’s me.”

 “I’m in the study,” Eleanor yelled. 

 Bob walked back to the study and saw his mom with her face inches from her old Bible again. “Mom, why aren’t you wearing your new glasses?” He glanced around the room and saw the new Bible neatly stacked on top of a pile of books in the corner. 

 “Oh, I have been wearing them. They are good for when I’m watching tv and opening the mail, but I don’t like them when I’m reading the Good Book.”

 “Why not?” Bob asked.

 “Well, I tried them with the new Bible you bought me, but it just wasn’t the same. Now don’t get mad at me, but the illustrations in that new book are all wrong.”

 Bob walked across the room and picked up the new Bible. He thumbed through the pages and then did the same with his Mom’s Bible. “Mom, the pictures look the same. It’s the same Bible, just a newer edition.”

 “No, they are definitely different Bobby. See look at my Bible. Can you see how Jesus is smiling, and look at His eyes. They are so loving in my book”. Eleanor turned the page, “ See how everyone is looking at Him here. Look how happy the people are to just be near Jesus. That’s how I feel too. Now, this other Bible is nice but when I read it with my glasses I noticed Jesus wasn’t smiling like He was in my Bible. Those glasses are good for me to see the world, but when I want to see Jesus speaking to me, I prefer to trust His vision. His vision for me is always clear. I’m better off not being distracted by the wrong details. You know what I mean?”


Sunday, August 15, 2021

Happy Feast Day!


 We all have our favorite family stories. The ones we tell over and over because they warm our hearts.  This is how I feel about Mary’s Assumption into heaven.  Today is a special feast day to celebrate Mary's faithfulness.  I also enjoy meditating on Mary’s Assumption every time I pray the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary. I love imagining that moment. I can see Jesus extending out His hand and Mary smiling as she places her hand in His.  Hand in hand, Jesus leads them into heaven. I imagine Mary with the same beautiful smile on her face as she had when she held baby Jesus in her arms for the first time. It is a bond of love that God would want the entire world to talk about for eternity. 

 I am just struck by God’s generosity!  He could have had this amazing moment with just Mary, but he shared the knowledge of this incredible event with all of humanity as well.  Why?  I think God wants us to also reach out our hands and embrace Mary. Not just as a faith-filled person from the past, but as our own loving mother who is constantly looking over us. Mary knows better than anyone that when you give God your ”yes” and allow Him to touch your life, you will begin your own beautiful love story with God which will continue throughout eternity. 

 I hope you all enjoy the day with Mary!


Thursday, August 12, 2021


 I made a video card for Mary.  Nothing would make me happier if I could sign it:

                            " Love,  Everyone" 

Please help me by sharing this link:


Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Put Down Your Nets

   My sister and brother-in-law invited me to go fishing with them on Lake Michigan. I hadn't been fishing since my childhood.  I boarded the fishing boat that I realized I was completely out of my element. The boat panel could determine the number of fish near us,  their location from the surface, the temperature of the water, and our desired path. Within minutes, we were miles from shore and setting up several different fishing lines. The boat rocked back and forth with each wave. My stomach rocked back and forth as well. It was becoming quite obvious I was not prepared for this adventure. Unfortunately, my motion sickness made us head for land much sooner than we had anticipated. 

 My experience made me think about the apostles. A number of them were fishermen.  They were very comfortable at sea. That was how they made their living. Jesus, however, asked them to put down their nets and their plans and follow Him. Jesus wanted them to evangelize the world. I imagine some of the apostles may have felt out of their element. Preaching the word of God to family and neighbors and crowds of strangers may have made them a bit uncomfortable in the beginning. Fortunately for all of us, they had not allowed any of their queasy feelings to stop them from doing what Jesus was calling them to do. 

 Evangelizing is not an easy job. It was not easy for the apostles. I imagine they had their moments of doubt and frustration. We do not know if any of them had a natural gift to speak in front of crowds, but we do know they relied on the gift of the Holy Spirit to speak through them. Jesus is asking us to do the same. Go out into your world and tell others about the encompassing love God has for every person. It will not be an easy task. It never was. God is calling each of us to put down our nets that hold our fears and queasiness and proclaim the Good News! Trust that the Holy Spirit will speak through you as well. 


Tuesday, August 3, 2021

What a Beautiful Gift

 I love summer!  I love the long days, the sunshine  and the warm temperatures.  I love flowers blooming everywhere, long walks and bike rides, and sitting by the pool.  I love being outside as much as possible, and I love praying outdoors. 

 Often it seems that when I pray indoors I am more focused on my own little world.  However, when I take my praying outdoors, I find that I am more open to the beauty of God’s world.  I tend to give God more praise when I’m surrounded by nature, and to be perfectly honest, He deserves much more praise and thanks from me.  A change of scenery helps me to remember that God is always generous. His creativity and beauty is everywhere.  It’s good for me to shift my focus from the imbalances, boundaries, and walls of my life to the incredible open air, borderless love of God.  
