Monday, November 27, 2017

Honestly, Where Are You?

  As the 2017 liturgical season comes to a close, I thought it might be a good time for each of us to take a look at our own spiritual path.  What does the path you are on look like?  Is it smooth or rocky?  Is it going forward or backward?  Ascending or descending? Are you crawling, walking, or running?  Are you on this path alone or are you traveling with others? What word best describes the terrain?  Are you using any type of compass?
  Our Advent journey will begin very soon.  Are you ready for it?  What preparations are you making?  This would be good time to take an honest look at yourself.  Soon the angels will be beckoning us to journey towards Bethlehem.  Let’s all get ready for the trip.


Thursday, November 23, 2017


  Today we will gather with family and friends and count our blessings.  According to St. Ignatius, we should spend time each and every day examining how God has been present to us, and recognizing all our little blessings throughout the day.  It’s funny that if you sit people down at a table filled with delicious food, they are not only willing to think about the blessings in their life, but they are willing to openly share how they have been blessed.  Thanksgiving is actually the perfect day to evangelize.  Today it will not only be socially acceptable to talk about how wonderful God has been in your life, but people are expecting it.  I wish Thanksgiving happened more than once a year.  Feasting on God’s blessings is filling— and fulfilling.  Who wants seconds?


Monday, November 20, 2017

Beatification of Father Solanus Casey

  My family and I had the privilege to attend the Beatification Mass of Father Solanus Casey at Ford Field on Saturday.  It was an incredible experience!  The stadium was filled with over 60,000 people.  It was amazing to see so many cardinals, bishops, priests, Capuchins, and other religious orders all at one mass.  At different points of the mass I would glance up and be almost overwhelmed with the number of people all gathered around the alter.  A passage from the book of Revelation kept coming to mind, "After this I had a vision of a great multitude which no one could count, from every nation, race, people, and tongue.  They stood before the Lamb....."  This was just one small corner of the world, I can't even imagine the multitudes in heaven.
  I have been at Ford Field many times as the football players from the Detroit Lions have run out of the tunnel and onto the field with fans screaming, but I have never been as deeply touched, as when I saw the long procession of bishops come out of that same tunnel in order to honor our own hometown boy, Father Solanus.  Father Solanus was a very humble man who dedicated his life to prayer.  His prayers were a visible witness of his love for Christ as he served the poor and the sick.  He was the beloved door keeper at St. Bonaventure.  He physically opened the door of the church, and  the door to Christ's heart to so many in need.  I would definitely recommend reading the story of Blessed Father Solanus' life if you are not familiar with it.
  Part of the beauty of our faith is that we are able to join with the angels and saints in praising God.  My eyes fill with tears when I try to even comprehend that.  I, who am sinful, weak, and undeserving, am loved by God so much that He calls me His child, gathers me into His arms, and allows me to share in the joys of His magnificent family.  I felt so blessed to be a part of this celebration.  The mass was beautiful from the beginning to the the end, and the music was extraordinarily moving.  I am looking forward to the day Father Solanus will be called St. Solanus.


Friday, November 17, 2017

A Web of Thanks

  It's that time of year--parent teacher conferences.  It's a great opportunity to sit down with your child's teacher and talk on-on-one about your child.  Being a mother of six, I have been to my share of conferences.  I have learned to ask my kids ahead of time, "What do you think your teacher is going to say?  Do you think there are going to be any surprises? (In other words, is there anything you want to tell me first? Or any problems you feel you are having?)
  When I asked my youngest that yesterday she looked at me completely shocked.  "Mom, you know me.  I love school and I'm a good student!"
  This year, however, I discovered I was in for a surprise. As I sat and waited for my turn with the teacher, I looked at the display of school work on the walls.  The assignment was a writing piece entitled  "I am thankful for....".  The assignment began with brainstorming ideas using a web.  One web caught my eye when I saw the word "God" inside one of the circles.  I smiled.  As I continued to look, I saw God's name on many of the assignments, and also the words "my faith", "my church", "my religion classes".  I continued to smile as I read the papers written from these webs explaining why they were thankful for God in their lives.
  My mood elevated as I read. I realized that no matter how hard some people try to take God out of the public schools, they will never succeed.  God is alive and well and living in the hearts of these children-- and that is something that I am quite thankful for.  I wanted to give a shout of "Thanks!" to all the parents who have made God a priority in their children's life.  Keep up the good work!  The future really does depend on it.


Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Story of a Leaf

  A little leaf hung from one of the tall residential trees.  The leaf was quite ordinary.  It was green like all the others.  Every day the little leaf prayed that God would do something wonderful with it's life, but day after day, it appeared to be an ordinary green leaf like all the others.  The little leaf loved to watch all the people as they walked along the sidewalk underneath him.  As they walked by, the little leaf would ask God to bless them in some way.  He prayed and he prayed. Sometimes he wondered if his prayers made any difference to the lives of those who passed by him.
  As the leaf got older, he noticed he was starting to shrivel up a little bit.  It was harder for him to sway with the wind like he used to do.  He began to feel frail and lonely.  
  One day while he was praying he distinctly heard God's voice, "I'm coming to visit you today."
  The leaf waited with eager anticipation. In the afternoon a very bright light surrounded the little leaf, and then something incredible happened.  His coloring began to change.  The little leaf looked extraordinary!  Then he heard God's voice again, "This is how you will look for all eternity.  The beauty of your prayers will shine for all to see!  Do not be afraid in these your last days.  I am with you."
  The little leaf trusted God completely.  He prayed over and over, "I love you God.  Thank you for all your blessings."  A few days later, a strong wind blew through the tree and softly the little leaf fell to the ground.  He was there but an instant, and then he felt the palm of God's hand holding him.  God smiled at the extraordinary little leaf and said, "I have prepared a special tree just for you.  It is in the middle of a beautiful garden.  As God carried the little leaf through the garden, the leaf was amazed at the spectacular flowers all around them.
  "The flowers up here are astonishing!" said the little leaf.
  God smiled and said, "Those aren't just flowers. Those are all the prayers you offered."
  "They are?" exclaimed the little leaf, "They are so beautiful!"
  "I couldn't agree more," answered God.
  "I never realized my prayers were that special."
  "My dear little one, loving and praying for others is one of the most extraordinary things anyone could do!" Then God placed the little leaf in the tallest tree in the garden, and the little leaf was happier than he ever dreamed he would be.


Friday, November 10, 2017

Reclaim the Name

  Well I was not disappointed.  This week's Confirmation mass was beautiful.  I really enjoyed Bishop Battersby's homily. Towards the end of mass, Bishop Battersby gave the candidates some wonderful advice that I wanted to share with you as well. He said God’s name is holy and we need to reclaim the name. He said Jesus’ enemies use his name like a swear word, but we are not His enemies, we are His friends. We should remember that.  
  I couldn’t agree more. I hate hearing people use God’s name in vain. It hurts me to hear it, so I can only imagine the pain God must feel.  Whenever I hear God’s name disrespected I quickly pray, “Blessed be the name of the Lord!”  
 Reclaim the name.  Will this be challenging?  You bet. So who’s up to the challenge?  Let’s give them something to talk about.


Monday, November 6, 2017

Out of Control

  At our church we will be celebrating the sacrament of Confirmation this week.  I love the Confirmation mass!  The liturgy and the music poetically highlight the powerful love of the Holy Spirit.  It is so easy to be completely overwhelmed with joy during the celebration.
  A few days ago, I was creating a Confirmation bulletin board.for the mass.  As I carried my crafting supplies into church, my folder with the flames of the Holy Spirit kept falling open.  I bent down and quickly picked up the "Holy Spirit" and put it back in the folder.  A few minutes later, I accidentally spilled the folder again.  Initially, I was annoyed as I bent down and to pick everything up again.  "Seriously, Susan, what is your problem today?" I thought to myself.  Then I smiled as I realized, "You can't keep the Holy Spirit neatly contained, you have let the Spirit free."
  Confirmation isn't just a wonderful mass of special memories that we place in a scrapbook or picture frame.  Confirmation is the continuation of an incredible adventure with the Holy Spirit.  We would be all be wise to ask the Holy Spirit to direct each of our steps, and remember not to be "the one in-control" all the time.  Generously allow the Spirit to spill forth from you and follow His inspiration.


Thursday, November 2, 2017

All Souls Day

Each life is important.  
      Every soul is precious.  
          Remember to pray for the holy souls 
       Who have gone before us.
           Especially today.
                  They need our prayers.
          Our prayers can touch them,
       Just as their prayers can touch us.


Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Celebrating the Saint's Stories

  Have you ever read a really good book and found yourself both happy and sad when you finished, because you don't want the story to end? I sometimes feel this way when I read about the lives of the saints. I get so immersed in their story, that I don't want it to end.  And the "good news" is their story hasn't ended, the saints are still very actively building up the Kingdom. They have seen God face to face, and they want to share this joy with us! They want to intercede for us.  
  Do yourself a favor and start to build an everlasting friendship with the saints. Call out to them. Learn from them.  Follow their footsteps.  Follow a trail that has already been blazed by a soul filled with the Holy Spirit, because it will lead you directly to God.
  Today, let us celebrate the beauty of a life devoted to God.  Let us celebrate the beauty of God's love. Let us remember that the grace to become a saint was given to each of us at our Baptism. Let us live lives that inspire others to follow Christ. Let us live so that the last sentence of our life reads,"and they lived happily ever after."
