Saturday, March 27, 2021

Holy Week

   We begin and end our journey through Holy Week with cries of joy.  We begin with shouting, “Hosanna!  Hosanna!” as Jesus triumphantly enters Jerusalem.  A few days later, we plummet to moments of darkness.  Evil crowns our Lord with thorns and nails Him to a cross.  The agony of our Lord's Passion ushers in the new and everlasting covenant.  We rejoice, "Alleluia! Alleluia!" on Easter morning as we celebrate the Lord’s Resurrection and His conquer over sin and death.

  As we begin this week I would like to suggest we focus on our hands.  On Palm Sunday we take palms into our hands and wave them in the air and proclaim that Jesus is our King! "Hosanna in the highest.  Blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord!" Let us not concentrate on the palms in our hand, but rather the palms of our hands.  Let us continue to raise the palms of our hands with praise to our Lord not just today, not just this week, but throughout the year. Let us continue our journey being Easter people every day!  Jesus has shown us "the way, the truth, and the life" and that is truly worth celebrating! Let us begin this Holy Week remembering that Jesus truly is King!


Saturday, March 20, 2021

The Path of Encouragement


As you continue your journey through Lent, imagine the following dialogue.

 You have found that the path you are on has had a relatively easy incline, but in the near distance it appears to be more challenging.  Carefully, you begin choosing which rock to plant your foot, so as not to loose your balance.  You also begin to use your hands against the larger formations to support your climb.  At one point you stop to discern the next path.  

  You look around for an easier way, but hear a voice call out to you. "Keep coming. You got this.  Here, grab my hand."  You can not see a face connected with the voice, only a hand. It is a woman's hand and a woman's voice, and neither seem impressively strong. "Take my hand.  I can help you."

  Reluctantly you grab the woman's hand and are surprised how helpful she actually is. She points out where to place your feet as you continue to climb.  When you reach the top of this particular hill, you take a moment to catch your breath and then say, "Thank you." As you look at the woman you realize you have no idea who she is.  "So, do you always stand on this path helping strangers?"

  She laughs.  "No. I'm not always in this particular spot, but I do try to help those who need it. I didn't want you to get discouraged when you had come so far. Sometimes people stay in the same place for a long time because no one encourages them to keep going."

  "Well thank you, again.  Your help was very much appreciated.  Knowing exactly where to put my foot next was very helpful."

  "Well the Lord told me you would be coming this way and you may need some encouraging," she said with a smile.

  "The Lord knows me pretty well."

  "He definitely does. He wants you to keep going.  It's all part of His Plan. I have a message for you."

   "You do?  What is it?" you ask.

   "Look down the path over there.  You see those people?  They have their own struggles, but it would help if you could encourage them to keep going.  Pray to the Holy Spirit.  He will inspire you with the right words."

  "Why would they listen to me?"

  "Because you will be the face of Jesus to them. You will be His hands and feet.  What we do for others along the path is never forgotten even if it is the smallest of gestures.  It is something I learned long ago when the Lord, himself, was walking the path the Father had set before him.  By the way, my name is Veronica, and I can't help but see the face of the Lord in everyone I help. It is a special blessing.  The Lord is very generous with His blessings.  Take some time to think about it. The Lord is very interested in you, and also the number of people you encourage along your own path."

  "How will I know what they need?" you ask.

  Veronica smiles and says, "Trust the Holy Spirit and ask for guidance."

  You turn your gaze to those people in need.  When you turn to look at Veronica, you realize she is no longer with you. You take a deep breath in, close your eyes, and look inward as you begin your prayer to the Holy Spirit, "In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen." 


Saturday, March 13, 2021

What's Your Top 5?


 Consider including these reflective questions in your prayer moments this week.

  Your Lenten path has brought you to the shore of a beautiful lake. The water is a refreshing change from the desert landscaping.  As you draw near, you see Jesus comfortably resting under a small tree.  He smiles and waves for you to come closer. As you are walking you see Jesus stand up and spread a large picnic blanket before you.  Jesus smiles and says, "Take a seat and rest with me for awhile."  You happily sit down and Jesus hands you a bottle of water.

  You open the bottle and take several sips before exclaiming, "Wow,  I didn't realize how thirsty I was."

  Jesus smiles and said, "Yes, you looked like you needed some refreshment."  For a few minutes you and Jesus just sit next to each other looking out at the water. The sun feels warm on your face and the gentle breeze coming off the lake feels perfect. "Do you mind if I ask you a couple of fun questions?" Jesus asks.

"Sure," you answer.

  "I don't want you to answer right away, though.  I want you to think about it before you answer," Jesus instructs.

  "Ok, I can do that," you answer.

  "Looking back on your life, what are your top 5 favorite moments of prayer?"

  "Hmm...ok let me think about this.  There's no right or wrong answer, right?"

  Jesus laughs.  "This isn't a test. I was just wondering, just making conversation. You see, I have no problem drawing close to you.  I have lots of favorite moments.  I was wondering how you saw things."

  You smile back at Jesus, "Ok, no right or wrong answer, just my opinion....let me see..."  You close your eyes and allow yourself to relax as you flip through memory after memory of your life.  As you consider different moments you realize that some moments were definitely turning points in your life.  Some moments brought peace, some understanding, healing, or strength, and some were pure joy.  After a long time you turn and look at Jesus.  "Jesus, how could I possibly only choose five?"

  Jesus returns the smile and says, " I like that answer.  I'll take it."  Jesus picks up a small stone and watches it skip across the surface after he throws it.  " Ok, I've got another one for you. Tell me your top 5 favorite masses. The ones you were super excited about."

  "Same deal, right?  No right or wrong answer?"

  "Right.  Take your time.  No rush."  Jesus picks up a few more stones and continues to skip them across the water.

  "Ok, let me think,....."  There are definitely a few that come to mind right away.  This question seems a little easier as you continue to search your memories.  After some time has passed, you announce, "Ok, I think I have narrowed it down." (Take a moment to tell Jesus your favorite masses.)

  Jesus again smiles at you and says, "I enjoyed those as well."  Jesus then hands you some stones and says, "Let me see how good you are at skipping a stone."

  You take the stones from Jesus and give it your best shot.  Together you laugh and skip stones together.  "You know this was really fun today!" you admit. "I have really enjoyed myself.  Can I ask you something Jesus?"

  "Sure, go ahead."

  "Were my answers ok, did I disappoint you?"

  Jesus turns to look directly at you and says, "I told you there were no right or wrong answers."

  "I know, but why did you want to know?" you asked.

  "Well lots of times I hear you say, 'I have to say my prayers' or 'I have to go to church' as if it just some obligation.  I don't ever say I have to spend time with you.  It is something I enjoy and I look forward to doing it.  I love you.  I have so much more I want to share with you, but sometimes I have the feeling you're just not that into it."

  You close your eyes and allow yourself to feel those memories as well. You slowly shake your head back and forth and then rub your temples with your hands.  You open your eyes and say, "I'm sorry. You're right.  I think that is something I should work on."

  Jesus smiled once again and said, "I like that answer, I'll take it."


Saturday, March 6, 2021


 Consider the following scenario as you continue your Lenten journey:

  You have come to the top of a small hill.  As you look at the upcoming path you notice a large group of people have gathered a little bit further down the road.  The crowd's yelling becomes louder and louder as you come closer.  Over and over you can hear the the crowd shouting, "Barabbas!  We want Barabbas!"  You veer to the right to climb onto a large boulder.  As you look over the heads of the crowd you see the two men who have angered the crowd.  You're stunned as your eyes take in Jesus standing next to Pilate.

  You can't help yourself and you begin yelling at the crowd, "What's wrong with all of you?  How could you choose anyone over Jesus?  Clearly Barabbas is a terrible choice!"

   A couple of heads turn to look at you.  You hear someone in the crowd yell, "Hey get off your high horse.  Stop judging us.  You have made this same choice many times in your life!"

  You shake your head and yell back, "I have never made that choice!"

  Suddenly someone grabs your arm and pulls you off the boulder and says, "Don't kid yourself.  You are just like us.  You may not have shouted the name Barabbas, but there have been plenty of times you choose something else over your faith.  Obviously Jesus is the right answer, but don't act like you always choose Him, because you don't."

  Those words pierce right through you. Pain seeps out this fresh wound of realization.  You place your hands over your eyes and fall to the ground as you consider the truth. Your own sobbing seems to block out the cries of the crowd. Minutes pass as you begin to discern those moments in your life when you did choose Barabbas.  As you wipe the tears from your eyes, you notice a pair of sandals in front of you.  As you look up, you see Jesus crouched down next to you.  

  "I'm so sorry, Jesus.  I'm so sorry.  Why would I choose anything or anyone over you?"

  Jesus looks at you with love in His eyes and says, "Well that is a good question, and a good place to start.  Come on let's go some place away from everyone and talk about it.  Forgiveness is not too far from here. Would you like to go down that path with me?"

