Monday, December 23, 2019

Advent Changes-The Invitation

  Chelsea was surprised by Her guardian angel’s question.  Of course she wanted to say “yes” right away, but she knew that wouldn’t be easy for her.  Chelsea was not an extravert  How was she just supposed to invite people to mass.  Who would even listen to her?  Chelsea tossed and turned the rest of the night.
  Chelsea woke up and remembered her dream.  It made her uncomfortable.  She knew she was being asked to change- to step out of her comfort zone.  How was she going to just ask people to come to church?  She thought for awhile. “Come on, Chelsea,” she said to herself. "Christmas is a religious holiday, this is probably a great time of year to try.”  As Chelsea continued to get ready for the day she came up with an idea.
   She began going out of her way to wish people, "Merry Christmas."  Then she would ask them, "Hey, what do you like best about Christmas?"  She made sure she gave each person her full attention and responded positively to their answer.  Next she would share what she loved most about Christmas. She would always answer, “I love going to mass!”  Chelsea would share something she loved about the Christmas mass.  She was surprised how positively most people responded to her answer.  
  Chelsea knew this wasn’t exactly a direct invitation to go to mass, but she felt this approach was a good start. She was able to talk to others about the mass in a casual, comfortable way.  Was it simple?  Sure. Was she making a difference?  She didn't know, but Chelsea decided that it really wasn’t up to her alone. She was planting small seeds.  She knew that God could do great things with just the smallest amount of faith.  As Advent drew to a close, Chelsea found herself more excited than ever to celebrate the Christmas mass with everyone this year!
