Friday, September 18, 2015

God Time

  The weekend is upon us and undoubtedly someone will ask, “So what did you do this weekend?”  The answers are as varied as the people we ask.  There are date nights, girls night out, guys night out, game night with the kids, movie night, etc, the list goes on and on.  Have you ever considered having “God’s night out” or a little one-on-one “God time”?  I would like to challenge everyone in the next week to make a date with God.  Go find a quiet spot to just be with God.  It could be in your own backyard, the park, walking on some trails, fishing on the lake or just sitting near a bonfire. Pack a light snack and then just hang with God.  And don’t worry about what to say.  Just sit very still and let God start the conversation.  And sometimes when we are with a close friend we don’t have to say anything at all.  Just being together can express more than words ever could.
