Thursday, March 16, 2017

The Dinner Guest, part 2

  (story begins on post dated 3/14/17.)

  Martin grabbed the sack of coins that Zacchaeus threw on the table.  He poured the coins into his hand and stood there completely amazed. Abigail walked over to her husband and smiled at all the coins.  "Martin that is a lot of money."
  "I know.  I don't know what to make of it.  Is this a test?  Will he demand it all back?  Maybe we should just hide it in a safe place for now," said Martin.  
  For the next couple of hours, Martin debated back and forth whether he should go to Zacchaeus' for dinner.  He kept telling himself he was crazy to even be considering it.  Zacchaeus had made his life miserable for years, and now he wants what? to be fair? to be friends?  The whole idea was ludicrous!  But the thought of meeting this holy teacher, Jesus, intrigued Martin.  
  Abigail told Martin all that she had heard about Jesus.  It sounded too good to be true.  Healing blind people, curing the lame, casting out evil spirits, how could a man have such power?  Could God be working through him as some have claimed?  Could he be the long awaited Messiah?  But why would the Messiah eat dinner with a tax collector, especially Zacchaeus, he was probably the most unworthy person Martin knew. Why wouldn't Jesus be at the home of a Pharisee?  It made no sense.  Martin decided he definitely was not going to dinner.
  Abigail had been watching her husband pace back and forth.  Then she saw him pray like he always did, except today he did not look like he was at peace. "Martin," Abigail began, "I think you should go.  What if Jesus is the Messiah?  You have prayed your whole life for the Messiah to come.  We both have.  Go see for yourself."
  Martin rubbed his forehead back and forth as if he were trying to erase the questions his mind kept asking- what if Jesus is the Messiah?  Martin looked at his wife, "I don't know what to do.  I feel I am a fool for even considering eating dinner with Zacchaeus.  But....I could be a fool for my Lord, if He wanted me to go.  I feel like I am supposed to go, but why?"
  "Martin, just go and see.  If Zacchaeus is lying and if Jesus is not there, then you can turn around and come home and we will eat together as a family like we always do.  I will tell the children you had business to attend to and you will be home when it is over.  Just go or else you will always wonder what might have happened."
  Martin began rubbing his beard next, and then said, "Abigail you know me well......I guess I will go, and I will see for myself this holy man they call Jesus.  Martin walked outside and took a deep breath in and then let it out, and then for the first time ever, he headed for Zacchaeus' house.

(to be continued...)
