Thursday, April 7, 2016


  This morning I sat down and poured myself a bowl of cereal.  I noticed someone must have had cereal late last night, because they didn't put the box away.  I glanced at the back of the box and saw a heading- "How do you fight temptation?"  What?  Since when do cereal boxes address sin?  As I read the smaller print, I realized they were addressing the temptation to eat unhealthy foods and instead we should try to start the day off right with a balanced breakfast (which of course makes more sense.) 
   But it did get me thinking.... what if we all started the morning considering what our temptations cause us to sin, would that help us avoid it?  What if our morning prayer included, "Lord please help me to recognize those situations I should try to avoid today."  The fifteen seconds it takes to say that prayer may truly help us start our day of right with a breakfast that keeps us balanced.
