Saturday, April 23, 2016

The Bridge

A moment of prayerful reflection....

  Imagine that you are walking along a trail.  The tall, shady trees allow just enough sunshine through to keep you warm, without overheating you.  As you walk, you can smell just a hint of clover and hear the upcoming stream, beckoning you to come closer.  Notice the beauty all around you as you slowly continue to walk.  The tree-lined path now brings you to the edge of a river, where you notice a large wooden bridge.  The bridge reminds you of an outstretched hand, willing to help people easily cross to the other side where a beautiful meadow of wildflowers gently sway to the music of a summer breeze.  You smile as you consider this view to be a taste of heaven.  As you begin to cross the bridge,  try to think of three people in your life that could really benefit from a clearer vision or understanding of heaven and God.........  When you reach the middle of the bridge, stretch your arms and hands out in the form of a cross.  Silently tell God the names of these three individuals and ask God if He would use you as a bridge to bring them closer to Him.  (These people may have obstacles in their life that prevent them from moving forward.)  Ask God for the understanding and wisdom to help.  As you continue to cross the bridge you notice a lounge chair in the middle of the field.  Take the next few minutes to sit in the chair and talk to God about bridging the gap for your friends.

Have a great weekend!
