Friday, July 8, 2016

My Shepherd


  Lizzie and her family entered church and sat in the usual pew.  As she sat down, Lizzie looked at her children and remembered simpler times, when her children were much younger.  But now, difficult decisions lay ahead of her.  Her problem weighed heavy on her mind.  She had suffered mentally and emotionally for weeks now, and the stress was becoming too much to bear.  Before mass began, she prayed the same prayer once again, "Please Jesus, help me handle this situation.  I really can't take it anymore.  I feel like I am losing myself."  Her eyes remained closed as she swept a tear that had successfully escaped.
  Mass began and the familiar hymns lifted her spirit.  She listened to the readings and insightful homily and wished the mass would not end today.  Everything seemed to make sense inside these walls.  Unfortunately, not everyone outside these walls was interested in living the gospel message.  Just before Communion, Lizzie found herself with her eyes fixed on the crucifix.  She closed her eyes once again and prayed her earlier prayer.
  As she closed her eyes, she envisioned Jesus on the cross.  Then the cross became a staff, and she heard Jesus call her name.  Mentally she followed Jesus as they climbed a path winding up the side of a mountain.  "Where are we going?" she asked.
  Jesus just smiled and said, "You'll see."
  Lizzie loved following Jesus.  Being close to Him just felt so right.  Her problems seemed to fade the higher they climbed, and all she could think about was the path they were on and where it would lead. Before long they had reached the top of a small summit and Jesus took out a picnic blanket and spread it on the ground.  He invited Lizzie to sit down and she was thrilled to see Mary had come to join them.  The three of them sat and enjoyed some bread and wine.  Lizzie felt completely at peace and soaked up the love she felt radiating from Jesus and Mary.  She could have stayed in that moment forever.
  Then Jesus said, "I want you to continue this journey.  I will meet you at the top."
  Lizzie looked around. "What path am I supposed to take?"
  Jesus smiled and said, "The path on higher ground, of course.   You already knew that.  You just needed to be strengthened for the journey."
  "Please, Jesus, don't leave me.  I get so confused when I am by myself."
  "Lizzie, you are never alone.  We are always with you."  I saw Jesus smile at me and then-
  "Mom, it's our turn for Communion," Lizzie's son whispered as he place his hand on her shoulder.
  Lizzie opened her eyes and proceeded down the aisle with her eyes fixed on the crucifix.  Just before she received Communion, Lizzie prayed once more, "You are my Shepherd.  Reside in me and I will follow wherever you shall lead me."
  The Eucharistic minister looked at Lizzie and said, "The Body of Christ."
  With all of her heart, mind, and soul, Lizzie said, "Amen."
