Friday, July 29, 2016

100% Committed-part 4

 Please read 3 previous posts 100% Committed (posted 7/19/16), part two (posted 7/22/16) and part 3 (posted 7/25/16)

  I thought about Sister Clara's suggestions about putting God first as I made my list.  I was embarrassed to admit, even to myself, that she accurately described my problem with prayer.  I always waited to the end of the day to pray, and I was usually too tired or too distracted to put any real effort into it.  I guess a part of me knew I wasn't giving God my best, and that's why I was so intrigued when my friend had raved about how this class had helped her to see things differently.  I remember my friend saying, "And now I'm 100% committed to my prayer life."  I wanted that same attitude and commitment.
  I walked over to look at the books displayed on the table at the other side of the of the gym.  There were so many different saints to choose from, I had no idea which one I should pick.  I seemed to be drawn to a thick red book with the picture of Jesus with rays coming from His heart.  I had seen that image a lot this Jubilee Year of Mercy, and I had meant to find out more about it.  I picked up the book and took a closer look at the title- "Diary, Divine Mercy in My Soul."
  "Oh, that would be an excellent choice," said Sister Clara.  The Diary of St. Faustina is one of my favorites.  I have read it several times, myself.  Don't be intimidated by the size, remember it's an ongoing process of discovery.  The book is broken into diary entries which makes it easy to read even for someone who is very busy.  That way you can read as little or as much as you want on any given day.  St. Faustina is a modern day mystic and this diary is filled with wisdom as she records conversations she had with Jesus."
  "Really?  That sounds very intriguing, but it is a very thick book," I said politely.
  "You're right, there are plenty of shorter books you could read, but I think reading the Diary would be well invested time for your soul.  Trust me.  Or better yet, trust Jesus.  'Jesus, I trust in you' is a very important part of the Divine Mercy message."
  "Sister Clara could you help me?" I heard a voice say from the other side of the table.
   Sister Clara politely excused herself, and I stood staring at St. Faustina's Diary.  I know this sounds strange, but I just felt a connection with the book.  It was as if I was "meant" to read it.  "Jesus, I trust in you," sounded like a good way to start my new commitment to prayer. When Sister Clara was free, I inquired about buying the book.
  "Absolutely!  I would be happy to sell you the book.  I can't tell you how excited I am for you!" Sister Clara exclaimed.

  The next week went by fast.  I found that praying to God throughout the day was a lot easier than I thought it would be.  Turning the radio off on my way to work was actually a great way to start the day with prayer.  I also found that taking a short walk after lunch was another opportunity for quality time with God.  I found myself really looking forward to these times with God.  At night I dedicated at least 20 minutes to reading the Diary.  Sister Clara was right, this book was truly enlightening.  St. Faustina was given the mission to tell the world about God's loving mercy.  I was learning so much about Jesus through her diary.
  Saturday came and I was eager to get to class again.   I wondered what insight Sister Clara might share with us today.
  "Hello everyone!" Sister Clara announced with enthusiasm as she walked across the gym floor.  "We have a very exciting day ahead of us!"

(to be continued...)
