Tuesday, May 3, 2016

One on One Time With Mom

  May is one the special months dedicated to the Virgin Mary.  I feel fortunate that my parish always celebrates Mary with a Living Rosary and May Crowning.  I remember how proud I felt when Theresa was  asked to crown Mary.  As a mother,  I try my best to guide my children in their faith life.  I like to share my experiences and understanding of our Lord.  That is my role as a mother, and that is also Mary’s role as our spiritual mother. 
   Mary is the quiet whisper that encourages you to walk with courage and faith when you are worn and tired.  Mary is the sweet melody that echoes “Love my Son”.  Mary is the hand holding ours as we walk into church and the gentle reminder that calls us to prayer.  Knowing that I can always turn to my mother for help and wisdom is a great comfort and source of inner strength for me.
  I would like to encourage everyone to spend some extra time with our mother this month.  She does so much of us, things we don’t even realize.  Every mother cherishes a hug and an “I love you” from their child, and I’m sure that is quite true of Mary as well. I, myself, am looking forward to spending some special one-on-one time with Mom.
