Monday, November 9, 2015

Wonder and Awe- Guest Writer Theresa

    If someone asked you two questions- what is bad in the world and what is good in the world, which question would you be able to answer more easily? Often the bad can get in the way of the good, and we are missing all the amazing things that God has made for us. It seems everything in our lives today are centered around the bad, like trashy magazines making millions exploiting people's personal tragedies, or whatever the latest life changing product is that we can buy to take away the bad in our lives. If we could just open our eyes to what is really important, God, we would be so overwhelmed with goodness that none of the bad would matter.

    It is impossible to even imagine just how much God loves us. He has given all of us this amazing world to live in, and has another amazing place waiting for us in heaven. Think of all the people in your life- God gave you them. God also gave you all the opportunities you've had, the places you've been, and everything you love. He also gave you the world, which is pretty amazing. God has done so much for you and everyone else in this world, its time we realize just how awesome everything He has done is.
