Saturday, November 14, 2015

Glorious mysteries

Rosary Meditation on the Glorious Mysteries

I.  Jesus' Resurrection
  Alleluia, alleluia Jesus has risen from the dead!  He is alive!  Do you believe it?  Oh Jesus, let the power and love of your Resurrection  fill us completely and remove all our doubts.  Let us love you so fully that we accept whatever challenges we must face.  Give us the courage to run towards your tomb and discover that death has no power over you or those who believe in you.  Let our faith in you roll away the stones that imprison  us with fear and doubt and confusion.  Let us bathe in the light of your Resurrection so that our faith will shine brightly and touch all that we encounter.  Let us tell everyone that Jesus is alive and He lives in me!!

2.  Jesus' Ascension into Heaven
Jesus tells the disciples "Know that I am with you ALWAYS even to the end of the world.". Close your eyes and try to understand how much Jesus loves you. He never wants us to be alone, He walks with us every moment of our lives.  Even when we are selfish and self-absorbed or are cruel and unkind, Jesus loves us and waits for us to notice Him. Can you even get a handle on that.  Jesus who is our Lord and Savior waits for us to love Him.  Why are we so blind to His love and goodness?   Ask Jesus to heal your blindness so that you can see the world with eyes of faith.  Look at your life and see Jesus in it.  He is so close to you right now that you could softy whisper in His ear.  Go ahead,  let Jesus hear the whispers of your heart and then . . .  listen to the whispers of His heart.

3. The Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles
Like the disciples who gathered in the upper room praying for the Holy Spirit to come, we too gather together and pray that the Holy Spirit touch and change us as well.  The more open we are to the Spirit, the more the interior life of our soul grows.  But how do we become more open to the Holy Spirit?  We ask Mary to lead us in prayer.  Mary's life revolved around her time spent in prayer with God.  Can we honestly say our lives are centered around prayer?  How much time did you spend in prayer yesterday, was it the center of your life?  If prayer can move mountains then why are we only interested in moving the buttons on the remote control or the mouse of the computer.  Let's face it, we could do so much better.  Time is a precious gift.  How you use it here on earth could make all the difference in Eternity.  Let the Holy Spirit blow away some of your silly distractions and fill you up with Christ's love instead.  Prayer- everybody's got time for that!

4.  Mary's Assumption into Heaven
Ever wonder what's the best way to get to heaven?  Ask Mary.  They way she lived her life was so pleasing to Jesus that He personally escorted her body and soul into heaven.  

5.  Mary is Crowned Queen of Heaven
Mary is the mother and queen of every Christian family.  Let us ask Mary to watch over our families and teach us how to inspire our children and friends to have faith in Jesus.  Mary teach us how to be obedient to God's loving desires for us.  Inspire our family to honor and remain devoted to you,  so that we remain close to one another and close to our heavenly Father.  Mary be generous with the graces you bestow upon us so that we in turn can be generous with our neighbors.  Mary our Lord loved you so much that He crowned you Queen of Heaven. I, too, love you so much that I would like to crown you queen of my heart.
