Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Dear Theresa,

 Today is Confirmation day and I am so excited for you!  Some days come and go in your life and you may label them as a good day, or a bad day, or a productive day.  Sometimes we turn the page of a calendar and not even realize the impact those past thirty days had on our lives. But today will be one of the most extraordinary days of your life!  Today you will invite the Holy Spirit to strengthen His Presence in your life and bestow all His amazing gifts upon you so that you may draw closer to God!  I can't even begin to tell you how happy I am for you.  Thirteen years ago, your father and I brought you- a tiny beautiful baby to the church to be baptized in the name of the Father and Son and Holy Spirit. We witnessed our little Theresa become a child of God, cleansed of original sin, and become a member of the Catholic Church.  We promised to teach you the faith and bring you to mass so that you would know God and have a loving relationship with Him. I have watched as your faith has grown in you and I couldn't be prouder. Today is the day that you will give God your "yes" and be sealed with the gift of His Spirit.  

  I pray that you allow the Holy Spirit to be alive and active in your life. Be faithful to His inspirations. Remember the goal of life is not to become rich or successful or popular, it is to do the Will of God and draw as close to Him as you can. A life spent loving God and sharing His love with others will be more rewarding than you will ever know.  Remember, you are the church, and you are the Body of Christ. God has a special plan for your life and He wants you to be an active part of it.  Continue to be strengthened by the mass and sacraments so your faith will grow.  Allow His Presence to transform you and care for those He puts in your path.  Confirmation is the beginning of a beautiful journey towards God.  Remember, God is always good. Always trust in His loving ways and let the Holy Spirit guide each step you take. 

Love always,