Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The Holy Trinity

  Catechism classes have been in full swing this fall.  Theresa and I are teaching a fourth grade class.  I really love teaching.  The awesome part about teaching is that you get to talk about how amazing God is for over an hour with a group of kids, who in turn, tell you their understanding and experiences of God.  Often helping someone else come to a better understanding of their faith forces me to look at my faith from different vantage points.  It offers opportunities for personal growth and enlightenment.  We started the year off talking about the Holy Trinity.  Teaching that we believe in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit is an important and necessary truth of our faith.  However, it is also one of the most amazing and mysterious aspects of our faith.  I told my class that it's alright if you can't fully understand the Trinity.  No one can.  God's ways are so above our ways.  But I think it is important to embrace the mystery Holy Trinity with open arms and begin to unwrap and discover as many layers as you can.  It will be a lifelong project of loving moments, thoughts and prayers beckoning you to a deeper understanding.  I hope that thought thrills you as much as it does me.  I would like to suggest that over the next week you begin asking yourself what is your understanding of the Holy Trinity?  How does this mystery influence your life?  And then I hope you spend the rest of your life discovering the answers.  It is a holy quest worth pursuing.  Let's talk more about this in the future...
