Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Peace Be With You

  Sandra Bullock starred in the movie "Miss Congeniality" back in 2001.  In the movie she is an undercover agent in a Miss USA beauty pageant.  She is instructed that every winning candidate wants the same thing--world peace.  World peace is definitely something we should all desire.  But what exactly is peace?  The definition of peace is "freedom from disturbance; quiet and tranquility."  Is that really all it is?  In the book "Standing In A Miracle",  the peace of God is described as "a perfect joy" and a freedom to choose to love, to serve, and to live simply and with humility.  God's peace is offered to each of us and we find this peace through prayer.  As we pray, we encounter God's peace through His loving presence.  God's desires become our desires.  We begin to recognize the blessings He has placed in our lives.  Through prayer we learn to trust God in every circumstance and to see Him in the neighbors and strangers we meet each day. The peace of God is not some unattainable goal.  Prayer is something each one of us can do.  We call God's name and He comes. It's really quite beautiful.   
   "What is the one most important thing our society needs?"  Perhaps instead of answering, "World peace", we should answer, "World prayer".  Then we would not only have world peace, but the joy of living in God's peace.
