A young woman found herself staring at the church crucifix one day. She thought, "Jesus it is so sad that you are all alone on the cross. You must have felt so lonely."
And then Jesus said to her, " I would be even more sad if you just walked away and left me here. I do not desire to hang on a wall, I desire to live in your heart."
The woman thought for a minute and then said, "Is my heart big enough for you?"
Jesus replied, "That my dear, it entirely up to you. Would you be willing to make some room for Me?"
A smile formed cross the woman's face as she answered, "My Lord if You desire to live in my heart, I will not only make room for You, but I will place You in the very center of it." The woman gently lifted the crucifix off the wall, placed Jesus against her heart, and embraced Him with both arms. And then she whispered, "Please, Jesus, enter my heart and promise me you will never leave it."
Next, it was Jesus' turn to smile and He whispered back, "I have been dying to hear you speak those words to me. Place me in the center of your life and the glories of heaven shall be yours."
From that moment the woman's life changed forever. She still walked the same city streets she always had, but now she also lived in the Kingdom of God.