Saturday, March 31, 2018

Could He Be? (Part 9)

(This fictional story based on the gospel narratives began on blog post 3-5-18).

  Gil ran down one street to the next trying his best to weave through the crowds.  It seems everyone was talking about the arrest of Jesus and everyone was gathering outside the Praetorium.  As he neared the Praetorium he could hear people shouting against Jesus. 
   "What was everyone so upset about?" Gil wondered. As Gil tried to understand what was going on, he noticed a man going from one group of people to the next. Was he giving them money?  Gil tried to move in closer.  He could hear the man making outrageous lies about Jesus.  Gil could feel his own temper growing.  This movement needed to be stopped.
  Without thinking Gil shouted, "Lies!  Those our lies!  Do not listen to this man's lies!"
  The man retorted, "Look, he is one of that man's followers!  He needs to be silenced!"
  Gil suddenly found himself face to face with four angry men.  He felt one man grab him and throw him to the ground. As Gil tried to get up, one man pushed him back down and someone forcefully kicked him in the side several times.  He could hear them laughing and insulting him as he tried to protect himself.  Then suddenly something happened which caused the men to lose interest in Gil.
  As Gil wiped the blood from his mouth and attempted to stand, he heard the crowd screaming, "Crucify him, Crucify him!"
  Gil looked towards the Pratorium in utter shock.  Was it couldn't be...but it was.  Jesus stood near Pilate wearing a crown of thorns on his head.  His face and arms and legs were streaked with blood.  "What have they done?" Gil thought with disbelief. They had beaten him terribly.
  The crowd continued to scream, "Crucify him!"
  "NO!" screamed Gil.  "Stop!  What are you doing? Don't you know who he is? He-" Gil felt something hit him heard on the back of his head.  After that everything went black as he sunk to the ground.
  The men kicked Gil a few more times before they left.  Jesus had been handed over for crucifixion.  Gil no longer moved and the men presumed he was dead and they lost interest in him.

(to be continued...)