(This fictional story based on the gospel narratives began on blog post 3-5-18.)
The next day Gil learned that Jesus had gone on to preach to other towns. Gil began to make preparations to find him. As Gil quickly opened the door to leave, he almost ran face first into Bartosz.
"Bartosz, forgive me, I did not see you there," Gil admitted with embarrassment. Most days Gil would welcome seeing Bartosz, but today he was in a hurry. He feared this may lead to a confrontation.
"It is obvious you have something else on your mind. You look as if you preparing to go somewhere."
"I am," admitted Gil.
"Where are you off to?" questioned Bartosz.
Gil let out a sigh. "I'd rather not say....you would not understand."
Bartosz also let out a deep sigh. "I see.... this obviously has something to do with Jesus then, am I correct?"
Gil paused to consider his answer. Lying would get him out the door faster, but he had too much respect for Bartosz to lie. "Yes. I know we do not agree, but I feel I must seek him. I heard he is preaching nearby."
"And what is it you hope to find, Gil? Are you willing to give up your life here to follow him?"
Gil uncomfortably looked down at the ground. He didn't know what to say. He had asked himself similar questions all night long. "Bartosz, I honestly don't know the answers to your questions. I just know that I have to hear him speak again."
"There has been talk of his healings. Are you drawn to his mysterious powers, his supposed miracles?"
"I would be lying if I said I wasn't interested in seeing a miracle, but there is something much more that draws me to him. His words. They bring life to me. It's like a part of me was dead, but I didn't know it. He opened a door that I didn't even know existed, and I can't live with that door closed anymore. It may sound absurd, but I need to find him. Please try to understand."
"I do not understand this desire Gil. I ask that you give this serious consideration. Your soul should rest in God alone."
"Trust me, my soul thirsts for God. That is why I must learn more. I have never heard someone speak with such intimate knowledge of the Lord. I promise I will listen with a trained ear and report back to you all that I have learned."
Bartosz was deeply concerned for Gil, but he realized he could not stop him. "I will not stand in your way Gil. Promise me you will be very careful. I worry for your safety and for the wisdom in your heart."
"Thank you, Bartosz. Please pray that my journey be a safe one." Gil affectionately hugged Bartosz good bye before heading into the street. Step by step Gil smiled as he began his journey to find Jesus.
(to be continued...)
Thursday, March 15, 2018
Could He Be? (Part 3)
Dwelling With The Spirit
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Were You There
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