Saturday, August 26, 2017

Making Time

 I have been doing a little reading this week. I picked up a book about avoiding procrastination.  Of course it sat on my counter for a few days. Each day I would look at it and say, "I should definitely read that today."  The next day would come and go as the book sat unread.  (No wonder I need help in this area.)
 I'm sure I'm not alone in my procrastination.  There never seems to be enough time to do everything I would like to get done. I did eventually get to reading the book and I found some helpful advice. The book suggested making a list every day of what you would like to accomplish and then cross it off as you complete the task.  That sounds simple enough. 
 This got me thinking .... How much procrastination can creep into our spiritual life as well.  Most of us want to spend more time with God, but how many of us actually do give God the attention He deserves and the time our souls so desperately need?  How many times do we put off reading scripture? Going to the Blessed Sacrament? Reconciliation? Or deepening your understanding about the Eucharist? When we are children, we think these things will occur when we become adults. When we become adults we seem to be too busy and so we continue to let God wait. It's unfortunate that when we pray, we want God to respond immediately, and yet when He calls us closer, we ask Him to be patient.  
 While I thought about this, I decided I need to make some changes in my life. I started with this prayer, "God I'm done making you wait. Every day I want us to do something special together. Help me to do this."


(Sorry this post is a little late, I was busy spending a little one on one time with God.)