Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Walking in His paths

  The cold shorter days of winter have me longing for Spring already.  I am one of those people who loves to take long walks everyday. (And unfortunately, I am also one of those people who thinks the temperature should never drop below 45 degrees.)  I came upon these words from the prophet Micah.  I think during these colder days and nights I will concentrate on some spiritual walks with the Lord.   Anyone else interested in some mountain climbing?  I found a great path.

In the days to come the mount of the Lord’s house
Shall be established higher than the mountains;
it shall rise high above the hills,
And people shall stream to it.
Many nations shall come, and say,
“Come, let us climb the mount of the Lord,
to the house of the God of Jacob,
That he may instruct us in his ways,
that we may walk in his paths.”
