Friday, January 1, 2016

It's A New Year!

  It's a new year and I'm ready for a new me, how about you?  I know I've made this resolution before, but this time I'm ready to lose the weight.  This year I intend to shed that extra weight that's been holding me back.  In the past I know I have tried and failed.  I would loose the sin for a while, but then I would get lazy or stressed out, and I would put it right back on.  But this is the year I am going to work on being sin-free and I'm inviting all you to join me.
  I think the trick to losing the sin and keeping it off is to develop some healthy habits that you can live with and don't leave you with that "I want what they have" attitude which can be so destructive.  For instance when your at a party avoid the rumor appetizers and instead bring your own tray of compliments that you will enjoy and can share with others.  Saving your appetite for a healthy portion of truth will be much more satisfying.  And as pretty as some can make those chewy, gooey lies look, simply just walk away and go for an entire bowl of kindness or an after dinner cup of mercy.
  I also find it is helpful to detoxify your body by occasionally practice sin-cleansing.  Too much sin in your body is a breeding ground for evil desires and darkness. Purging your body of these toxins actually allows your soul to be filled with God's light and love.  Sin cleansing is so much easier than it sounds.  Most of your area churches have a room dedicated to do just this.  Step inside, expose your sin and sorrow, and watch the weight off sin roll of your body.  Any well trained priest can get you back on the right track again in minutes.
  Staying sin free isn't easy, but definitely worthwhile, so don't sell yourself short.  You can do this!  Look to the heavens for motivation and find the inner strength to do this.  Work out with a couple of spiritual aids-a five pound bible, some resistive bands, and a prayer mat can really make a difference. Invite friends to work out with you.  Let's support and encourage each other!
  Let's make 2016 the year we love our souls!  Together we can make it happen!