Sunday, August 23, 2015

Fixer Upper

I like to watch home improvement shows.  A house that is run down, outdated and in need of serious repair can turn into something amazing in just a 6 week time frame.  A lot of times they uncover structural or wiring problems which could have created a serious safety concern for all those living in the house.  Most of the time the owners had no idea of these underlying danger s.  I wonder if instead of improving our houses we put that same amount of time and effort into improving our spiritual lives what could happen?
  What if God knocked on your door and said, "Hey I heard you were interested in a little soul improvement.  Let's take a look and see what needs fixing."  What areas in your life do you think God might think needs improvement?  How about your pray life?  Have you updated how you pray  or think about God in the past  five, ten, or twenty years?  How has your faith grown?  What about the amount of room for forgiveness in your heart?  Is this an area that needs expanding?  And how much money is there in the budget to help others in need?
  What would you do if during renovations you found a serious crack in the foundation of your faith or a stain of resentment or prejudice that needed to be removed?  Would you be willing to change or fix things?
  I think if you opened up the door to God and handed over your soul for improvement the results would end up being miraculous.  We've seen what He can do in only 6 days! 
