Monday, September 21, 2020

A Touching Meditation


  Imagine if you could place your hand in the hand of Jesus, what would you feel? Would you be consumed with love?  Would you feel like a small child trusting to follow where you are led?  Would you feel the history of time in the lines of His palm?  Would all of your loneliness fade away?  Would you feel empowered, joyous, healed, or timid? Would you feel all the missed opportunities you had to love Him? 

 Would you dare to feel the nail marks in His hand?  If you had the courage to touch the nail marks, would you suddenly realize how much pain each sin can cause?  Would you be able to look Jesus in the eye as your finger penetrated the mark?
  This week look closely at the hand of Jesus. What do you see?  What do you feel?  Open your mind to new possibilities. How would your life be different if you lived the rest of your life always holding Jesus’ hand?
