Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Step By Step

 Have you ever helped a baby learn how to walk?  Day after day you hold their hand until they are sturdy enough to let go.  Then you stand close to them with your arms extended ready to catch them if they lose their balance.  It’s not long after that, the tiny toddler begins to walk from room to room, trusting they are always safe. Often they are completely unaware of nearby dangers. 
 And so it is with us and our heavenly mother as well. Mary is ever at our side teaching us how to walk in faith.  Even when we lose our balance, Mary is ready to catch us and keep us safe.   We should therefore be very careful to stay as close to her as possible. We should follow in her footsteps because she will never lead us astray. Mary knows the best and safest paths to Jesus. She can guide us past the dangers of pride, jealousy, deceit, and worldly desires.  Step by step, we become the child of God we were created to be.   Hand in hand, Mary brings us closer and closer to God.
