Sunday, October 13, 2019

Shhh...Be Quiet

   I happen to overhear a conversation between my daughter and my dog.  My daughter was trying to tell our dog that she wanted to do something special with him.  In the middle of her conversation, my dog ran to the window and started barking at a squirrel.  My daughter got close to him and tried to repeat her conversation, but my dog kept barking louder.  She tried a third time and my dog starting racing back and forth across the window ledge while barking nonstop.  Finally I heard my daughter just yell, "Hey could you just shut up for a minute?  I'm trying to tell you something important!"
  My daughter's words made me stop and think.  I wonder how many times God may have felt like saying that to me?  Sometimes I can get so easily distracted while praying. Sometimes I can get so focused on my plans, my disappointments, my list of prayer intentions that I forget to stop and listen.  I forget that God does have a voice, He does have a plan, and He is speaking to me.  I need to remember that I can't do God's Will if I don't know what it is.  I need to quiet my own thoughts and be reflective and open to God's voice in my life. I need to be still, let God draw close to me, and tell me some important things, too. I need to relax and stop barking about everything.
