Monday, March 18, 2019

The Tunic

(The Tunic is a fictional story based on the Passion of Jesus.)

  Cato woke up early. He knew it was going to be another long day. The Jewish leaders were in an uproar over some wandering, miracle healer claiming to be the Son of God. Cato didn't like or understand the people in Jerusalem. They made his job as a soldier very difficult.  He thought life could be a lot easier if they would just surrender their lives to Caesar.  
  Crowd control will be ridiculous if the Jews continue to riot for this Jesus to be crucified.  Cato had seen Jesus taken into custody.  There was nothing special about him.  For the most part, he stood there silently.  He didn't even try to fight back.  He did not exhibit any special god-like powers.  Cato wondered for a minute what Jesus did to get everyone so mad?  Then Cato thought to himself, "Who cares?  What difference could this man's life make anyways?  Who will even remember this man past this week?"
  Cato quietly exited his house.  He didn't want to disturb his wife and son.  The only time his son Remus looked free of pain was when he was sleeping. Cato jumped on the back of his horse and headed towards the praetorium.  He hoped Pilate's mood would not be too foul today.
(to be continued....)
