Monday, December 24, 2018

Merry Christmas!

 As we approach the Holy day of Christmas my thoughts rest on Mary and Joseph as they searched for a place to stay in Bethlehem. Imagine how different any of the inn keepers lives may have been if they had made room for Mary and Joseph.  It’s really quite sad they said no.  Mary and Joseph were willing to share the birth of the Messiah with whoever  was willing to say “yes”.  This search continues even until today. Mary and Joseph are still praying that people will open their homes and hearts to the new born baby Jesus.  They desire to share Jesus with whoever will say "yes".
  Two days ago I ran into the store to pick up a sympathy card for a friend. When I came out of the store, I found this note on my car. 

 After I was done being mad, I prayed for this person, whoever they may be. This person is obviously hurting and really needs to feel God’s love. I would like to invite everyone to pray for those who need extra love this Christmas. There are so many people who have not said "yes" to the Christ child yet.  They have no idea how amazingly different their lives could be. 
  I hope you all have a Merry Christmas!  Remember the most important word today is “yes”!  Say YES! to God’s perfect gift of love, His Son, Jesus. 
