Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Matters of the Heart

Neva slowly climbed the steps to the front entrance of the church.  She remembered the days when her steps were lighter and her heart was filled with love and joy. Unfortunately, her heart had to work so much harder now to pump life into her body.  She carried with her a pain that had eroded an area of the muscle in her heart. 
  Neva slid into her usual pew and prepared her heart for the celebration of the mass.  Like every week, she listened intently to the readings and the priest's homily.  She was completely unaware what was about to occur.  As the priest held up the consecrated host at the alter, Neva saw Jesus standing behind the priest.  He held out his hand and asked her to draw near. Without hesitation, Neva drew closer.
  "My Lord, I have a pain in my heart that I can no longer carry.  I have tried to leave it behind, but it is so deeply imbedded in me, that I have failed in my attempts.  Lord, will you please heal me?"
  Jesus smiled and said, "Give me your pain, dear child, and I will restore your heart with my own."  Jesus placed one of the consecrated hosts from the alter unto Neva's hand.  With tears streaming down her face, Neva released her pain and then placed the host into her mouth.
  Within minutes her heart began to change. She took a deep breath in and slowly exhaled.  It was gone.  That heavy feeling was gone.  She touched her heart as her brain began to process the change. The Lord's peace and love began to declutter her thoughts.  Her eyes could clearly see those around her. Her ears listened to the new rhythm of her heart.  She was healed! She was healed!  Filled with joy, Neva praised God every day that followed for this loving act of mercy.
