Monday, October 8, 2018

Celebrating Mary

  October is the month dedicated to Mary and the Rosary.  The Rosary is my "go to" prayer.  Whether I am excited, scared, nervous, confused, angry, depressed or happy, the Rosary helps me celebrate life.  More specifically, it helps me celebrate God's life within me.  Sound mysterious?  Well that is the whole idea.  By dwelling on the mysteries of Jesus' life, I begin to unravel the mysteries of my own life. 
   God is amazing and loving far beyond my comprehension.  Like any good mother, Mary can sense my perplexity.  Gently she holds my hand and slowly helps me to understand.  She is so patient with me even when my mind is clouded with distractions, or my heart is too angry or too sorrowful to grow.  Linked together by the Rosary beads, Mary stays close to me. As I hold the beads, I can sense that Mary holds the answers I so desperately desire.  I want to love God more, but I let so many little things get in the way.  As I close my eyes and pray the Hail Mary, Mary opens my mind and heart to embrace God's loving plan.  She helps me understand things I could not comprehend on my own. 
  I have fallen in love with the Rosary.  The Rosary is my mysterious, inspiring connection to God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.  I believe the Rosary is the lifeline of my soul.
