Sunday, May 5, 2019

The Tunic (part 7)

(The Tunic is a fictional story based on the Passion of Jesus. The story began on post March 18, 2019.)

  When Cato returned home he was surprised neither Livia nor Remus were there.  Remus was generally in too much pain to walk and Livia could not carry him very far.  Cato stepped outside to see if they were perhaps resting outside. He looked in each direction but did not see them.  Perhaps a neighbor had invited them over for a visit.  As Cato returned inside he noticed the tunic hanging in the corner.  Cato looked it over.  "Not bad." He thought to himself.  Livia had gotten it cleaner then he thought possible.  He saw the basin with blood tinged water.  "Why didn't she empty that?  No one wants to see that."  Cato picked up the basin and threw the water outside.  Then he grabbed the tunic and hopped on his horse.  He had already discussed selling this to a merchant he knew.  He was sure he would get a good price now.
  A short time later Livia and Remus came home happy and laughing.  Remus had insisted on walking around the whole town. He ran in fields as Livia chased him.  It was the best day ever!  Livia felt more alive than she ever had.  She knew both of them had been healed by the blood of Jesus.  Over and over she thanked Jesus.  She told Remus starting tomorrow they would learn all that they could about him! Right now they where so excited for Cato to return home! They couldn't wait to share their joy with him!

(to be continued...)
