Friday, October 14, 2016

One of Those Dreams

 Did you ever have one of those dreams and after you wake up, you ask yourself, "Why did I dream about that?"  Last night I had a dream like that, and it kind of stayed with me throughout the day.  I kept thinking about it and kept wondering. 
  My dream began by the ocean.  I had my camera and was taking pictures.  I was trying to get a better picture of Theresa who was closer to the shoreline.  There were a lot of people just standing around, and I saw a path to the right to get around them.  As I began walking, my sister was suddenly by my side and then I noticed a huge building along the path.  I looked at the building.  It was completely open.  No doors.  Anyone could just walk in.  As I was looking I saw someone carrying a bag that said "The Center for Divine Mercy".
  I looked at my sister and said,  "When did this building get here?  I can't believe I didn't know about it."
  My sister replied, "I heard about it.  I keep meaning to check it out, but something always comes up."
  "Come on, let's go inside." I said as we began to walk in....
  "Mom, Wake up!  I have to get ready for school," my daughter announced as my dog began barking.
  "Please, give me 5 more minutes, I was having a good dream."  Unfortunately I wasn't able to fall back into the dream, but I couldn't stop thinking about it either.  
  I thought about the mercy of God.  It is as big and wide and vast as the ocean.  God's mercy is for everyone at anytime.  Is it possible that there are still lots of people who are not experiencing the saving and healing grace of God's mercy?  Have they heard the invitation and not responded yet?
  So, I have a personal request.  Please help me spread the word about God's loving mercy.  Encourage those around you to celebrate the mass.  The sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist are amazing experiences for your soul.  They are the fountain of God's mercy.  Let everyone know- the time is now and God's mercy is for you.
