Sunday, March 10, 2024

Encountering The Cross (Week Four)


   Lying in her hospital bed, Gina wondered how she could take care of herself again. The accident had left her with multiple broken bones. The doctors told her it would be a long recovery. Her days were filled with doctors, nurses, and therapists around the clock. At night, she was exhausted but never too tired to pray. "Lord, I know you know what you are doing, but I can't carry this cross alone. It's too much. I need help."

 After several weeks in the hospital, the staff was amazed at her progress and began arranging for Gina to transition to a rehabilitation facility. She was looking over the pamphlets one afternoon when she received a wonderful surprise. Her sister from Denver walked into the room. "Lucy, what are you doing here?" Gina exclaimed.

 "I'm here to help. I've come to take care of you," Lucy announced.

 "What about Mike and the kids?"

 "Listen, don't worry about them. I've been working on this since your accident. I wanted to tell you when I had everything arranged. My boss is letting me take time off to take care of you. I will stay until you can function on your own again."

 Gina just smiled. Her prayer had been answered.

 Twenty-five years later, Gina found herself at the entrance of heaven. She was filled with peace and love as Jesus approached and embraced her. "Welcome home, child," Jesus said with a smile. Gina and Jesus talked for a long time about her life. Some moments were uncomfortable, but mostly, it was simply wonderful. How Jesus described her life was so different from how Gina saw it.

 "Jesus, I'm so surprised you saw my accident as one of the highlights of my life. I thought it was the lowest. I was in such bad shape that I kept begging you to help me. I knew my prayer was being answered when Lucy announced she was staying to help me. She was such a blessing. Thank you for answering my prayer."

 Jesus smiled. "Gina, I wasn't answering just your prayer." Jesus handed Gina a list. I also answered the prayer requests of all those praying for you. 

 Gina looked over the list. She had no idea that many people had been praying for her. "I'm a bit overwhelmed with this list, Jesus. There are so many names I don't even recognize."

 "Some belong to your church, some are friends of your relatives, your niece Sophie led her whole class in prayer, and some are the sufferings people have offered up. The power of prayer is really underestimated. It does more for a person's body and soul than you could imagine. The doctor's amazement in your recovery was justified. You could have never recovered that quickly on your own. You cried out for help and trusted My Plan. You completely opened yourself up to My graces. That is why I consider this a pivotal moment in your life. You let me take over."

 Gina looked lovingly at Jesus and said, "Letting You take over was the best decision I ever made." 

Jesus' smile grew wider. "I have to agree."

Gina thought about her accident and her difficult recovery. "Jesus, am I the only person to misunderstand the beauty of my cross?"

"Gina, there are very few people who do."



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