Saturday, September 16, 2023

The Perfect Gift


 Recently I celebrated my birthday with my family. We had a lovely day together. At the end of the day, they gave me a large box. It was a very thoughtful present. Looking at it, I imagined how perfect the gift was for me. I was very grateful.

 A week later, the large box was still in the room I received it. It did get pushed from one side of the room to the other, so people didn't have to walk around it. My granddaughter and I had fun drawing pretty pictures on the outside of the box. It still has yet to be opened because I need to learn how to build it. I feel bad because I would really like to use the gift, but I'm afraid to try. I might do it wrong.

 Are there people who approach the gift of faith the same way? Our faith is a beautiful gift from God. A gift that was definitely meant to be unwrapped and used. So many fear speaking about their faith because it might not be politically correct. That is a shame.

 Jesus didn't come to be a political ruler. He came to rule our hearts. Speak His Truth. It's beautifully contained in the Bible. But God never intended for the Word to stay on the pages. He wanted it written on our hearts and proclaimed with love. Don't make God wonder if you will ever use His gift; show God that you can't get enough of Him!



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