Saturday, December 17, 2022

The Lord Is Coming!

 You kneel before the altar, and your eyes peer into the stable. Animals mill in and out, looking for water to drink after grazing in the fields. There is nothing to suggest the Savior will soon be born and placed in that same manger. The Lord is coming, and life continues as if this doesn't change everything. 

 One of the sheep catches your eye. He just keeps walking back and forth without any real purpose. There is a loosely woven strand of evergreens around the sheep's neck with a simple cross dangling like an animal's ID tag. Your eyebrows raise a little, and you think, "At least that one is trying." As you stare intently at this sheep, you notice something. The sheep's eyes are so familiar to you. Stunned, you suddenly realize you are staring into your own eyes. You are the sheep.

 Your mind allows you some freedom in this prayer. You have been trying to prepare for Christmas, but has it been enough? Are you just preparing for the Christmas party, or are you preparing for the Christ Child to be born? What have you done to intentionally prepare for Christ? Oddly, you notice the watch on the sheep's left front leg. Why is the sheep wearing a watch, you wonder? The sheep looks at you and wanders over to the manger. You realize there is still time to prepare more intentionally. There is still time. The Lord is coming, and you want it to change everything, especially you.


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