Friday, April 15, 2022

Were You There (Good Friday)

 (Place yourself in this fictional glimpse based on the Gospels.)


 The streets were filled with people. Veronica maneuvered swiftly through the different crowds of people as you tried to keep up. It was hard to even comprehend what was happening. Pilate handed Jesus over to be crucified. Why? Jesus was not a criminal. He had done nothing wrong. You had never heard anyone preach as he had. Surely, his words came from heaven. 

  Veronica managed to work her way to the edge of the street. She grabbed your arm and pulled you next to her. You both kept looking anxiously down the road hoping not to see Jesus. You stood there praying as people pushed and yelled all around you. Then Veronica shrieked, and you felt her hand grasp your arm tightly. The Roman soldiers and the prisoner were approaching. You could see a man struggling to walk with the beam of the cross on his back. That couldn't be Jesus, but people were screaming out his name. This man had been beaten and was unrecognizable.

  The Roman soldiers began pushing the crowd back so they could get through. You stared at the man as he got closer. What was on his head causing all that blood? The procession then stopped a few feet away from where you were standing. The guards began yelling at some people in the crowd. The beaten man raised his head slightly and looked in your direction. Your whole body froze, and you realized that was Jesus! Veronica removed her veil and stepped toward Jesus.   You opened your mouth to stop her, but no sound came out. You stood there as if paralyzed. Veronica lovingly offered her veil to Jesus to wipe the blood streaming down his face. One of the guards turned his head and noticed Veronica as the veil was returned to her hands. He screamed at Veronica to move as she quickly stepped aside. Without thinking, you grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the street before being trampled or struck. 

  As the guards yelled at Jesus to continue moving forward, you pushed your way back through the crowd holding tightly to Veronica's arm. "What were you thinking, Veronica? Do you know how much danger you put yourself in?"

 Veronica turned her head towards you. Tears were running down her face as she answered. "Did you not see him? There was so much blood running down his face that he probably couldn't even see. I could not just stand there and do nothing. I know he is from God. I looked into his eyes as I offered my veil. I saw so much pain, yet I felt so much love. I know that doesn't make sense, but I didn't feel any anger, just love. I will never forget that moment.

 You stood looking at Veronica. She had risked everything to offer Jesus a single act of compassion. How could she have been so brave? Her faith was simple, trusting, and actually quite beautiful. You wondered why you allow your fears to interfere with your faith? You put your arms around your friend, admiring her faith and wishing you had her courage. Veronica looked down at her veil and gasped! On her veil was the face of Jesus! As you look at the miraculous image, you begin to comprehend the deeps of Jesus' love.


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