Sunday, March 6, 2022

Were You There? (Lent Week1)

 (Place yourself in this fictional glimpse based on the gospels.)

  They call him John the Baptist. You come out to the Jordan River as often as you can to hear him preach. His words are powerful. He speaks of repentance. He challenges everyone to prepare for the Messiah as if he was coming very soon. You smile as you remember the day John baptized you in the Jordan. You have felt like a new person ever since that moment.

 Today, you notice John speaking with two other disciples as you approach the river. You are close enough to hear John say, “Behold the Lamb of God,” as he pointed to a man who had begun walking away from the crowd. You quickly turn your head to see who they are talking about and do your best to memorize the features of this stranger. What does that even mean he is the Lamb of God? Who would want to be a lamb? The lambs are the ones sacrificed or eaten at Passover. Yet, John’s tone inferred this was a meaningful title.

  You watched the stranger walk further away. The two men speaking with John now appear to be following him. You wonder to yourself,  "Should I also follow this Lamb of God? How closely should I follow him? Where will this path take me? You consider all the things you are supposed to do this week. Is following this man really more important than your plans?"


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