Sunday, November 14, 2021

Speak Gently


  My family and I have been battling an upper respiratory infection this past week. It was a quiet week at my house because we all had varying degrees of laryngitis. There was no idle chatter, no arguing, no harsh words. We spoke only when necessary and we had to listen very carefully to each other. My sons played their video games in silence without any colorful expletives. (Something I have been told was not possible.) Had I physically felt better, a week of silence would have been considered a dream come true. 

 This got me thinking. What if it was physically painful to speak unkind words. Would I speak nicer to others? What if I suffered from laryngitis when my profanity, lies, or gossip damaged my spiritual life? Would that get my attention? Jesus said, "It is not what enters one's mouth that defiles that person, but what comes out of the mouths is what defiles one." (Matthew 15:11)

 I have to admit I spent a lot of time on the couch this week. The commercials and emails encouraging me to get ready for Christmas with early sales have already begun. I currently have a different perspective. Having a voice and being able to speak is a gift I often take for granted. Perhaps this year instead of worrying about choosing just the right present, I will spend more time choosing just the right words. Like overspending, I don't want my careless words to leave me with a debt that is too difficult to repay.


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