Saturday, May 11, 2024

Bucket List Moment


    Last night, I checked off a bucket list item: I saw the Northern Lights!  They were so beautiful and unexpected. My kids and I were so excited to see them from our yard.  We then jumped into the car and drove to the country for a better view.  We zigzagged down one road to another until we pulled off the side of the road near a large farm.  We jumped out of the car, ran through the field, and gasped as the heavenly lights captivated us!  The sight didn't last forever, but witnessing that was a thrill!

  I thanked God for such an incredible night! As I thought about this fun adventure, I couldn't overlook a lesson hidden in the details. My life in Christ has also been quite a beautiful, unexpected adventure.  Following the Light of Christ has taken me down unexpected roads and places I did not intend to go. The journey is an incredible rush when I allow the Holy Spirit to be in the driver's seat!

  This week, we celebrate Jesus' Ascension into heaven. Jesus announces that He is sending each disciple on a mission. Go out and share the joy of the Gospel! Here is our chance to fill God's bucket list.  Tell everyone the Good News! Let every man, woman, and child give their heart to God and love one another. Don't delay. Jump into that mission! That would indeed be a beautiful sight for God and the whole world! 


Sunday, May 5, 2024

Leave the Details To Mary


  A few months ago, my sister-in-law surprised me with an incredible gift!  She had traveled to Mexico City to visit family.  She texted me, saying, "We will visit the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Do you want to FaceTime when I get there?"

  "YES!!" I replied. I was so excited! I had always dreamed of going to the Basilica. Although I was sitting on my couch at home, my sister-in-law reached out and brought me next to her side as we marveled at the cathedral's beauty. Tears flowed down my face as she approached the tilma of St. Juan Diego with Mary's miraculous image.  Mary is so beautiful!

  I have read books and articles on the miraculous image.  The world is still discovering all the magnificent details of this image of Mary that could not have been made by human hands. Scientists can't explain it, but no explanation is needed for those who love Mary. That is how Mary intercedes in her children's lives. She calls us to come close to the heart of Jesus and then arranges all the unseen details of our lives to help our faith bloom. Her love is imprinted on the threads of our lives just as it miraculously appeared on St. Juan's tilma! Listen to Mary, and you will hear Jesus' heart beating for you.

 May is the month we honor our heavenly mother. I suggest that you share her love with others. My sister-in-law reached out and allowed me to walk alongside her journey with Mary. I felt truly blessed to share this moment with them. So please, as you walk with Mary this month, invite someone to come with you. Don't worry about the details--Mary will take care of everything!


Sunday, April 28, 2024

Nightly Inspirations



 This Easter season, I have been trying to carve out small moments of silence for meditation. Unfortunately, my dog sees me sitting on the couch and determines this is the best time to either bark nonstop at a squirrel across the street, throw five toys at me, or bark to go outside. I could be home all day, but those few minutes are when my kids want to tell me about their day, inquire about dinner, or tell me what I should buy at the grocery store. Moments of silence can prove quite tricky some days.

 I talk a lot about praying. Praying is simply a conversation between you and God. It involves both speaking and listening. I know this, but so many times, I focus on my fears and disappointments, and  I realize I'm not being the best listener. Some days, listening to the voice of God can prove challenging. It requires reducing the noise around me and quieting all my random "me" thoughts.

 When I feel my connection is off, I pray to the Holy Spirit to continue talking to me in my sleep. I pray this not because I'm lazy in my prayer life but because of my weaknesses and environment; I sometimes can't hear God's voice. So many times, I have awoken in the middle of the night with inspiration or guidance that seems familiar but much clearer. Sometimes, I feel compelled to write the message down; other times, I ask the Holy Spirit to help me remember this when I wake up.

  I often feel there aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done. God, in His goodness, smiles (and probably laughs) at me and whispers, "Don't worry, child. I never sleep and can do so many amazing things in twenty-four hours. Just leave your heart and mind open to me, and I will do the rest."



Saturday, April 20, 2024

Shine Bright


  Last night, my granddaughters came over for a movie night. When the movie ended, I asked, “Who wants to jump on the trampoline?”

  “In the dark?” My granddaughter questioned.

  “I have glow sticks!”

  “Yes! Let’s do it!” They exclaimed.

  My daughters joined us, and we all laughed and jumped with our little sticks of light. The darkness did not scare us.

 Each night, I pray for peace in the world. As I prayed last night, I thought about the joy one little light brings into the darkness. No wonder Jesus asked us to share our light with others. We all need the Light of Christ, especially when surrounded by darkness. Do what you can to shine a little brighter this week. Your prayer may be a source of joy in someone's sadness or the beacon of light that guides someone back to the arms of Christ.


Sunday, April 14, 2024

The Stone Has Been Rolled Back!


 Just before Holy Week, my family and I went on vacation.  One evening, my sons and I decided to go to the hot tub.  It was a little crowded, but still, enough room for us to squeeze in. As we settled, another family began discussing returning to their room.  Before leaving, a young woman in her twenties said with a shaky voice, "I don't know if anyone would be interested in me sharing a message. Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior.  He has saved my life, and He can save yours, too!"

  She happened to be sitting next to me. As I turned to face her, I could see she was beaming from the inside. "Amen!" I said.

  She smiled. "I just became a Christian last month.  I feel completely changed!"

 "That's awesome!" I said. "Congratulations!" A few other people added their congratulations. She shared a few more comments, grabbed a towel to dry off, and walked away.

  I thought of this young woman's courage recently. On Easter morning, we discovered that the tomb was empty. We all exclaimed, "Alleluia!" but I wonder if we allow our faith to comfortably live in the empty tomb most of the year. Our faith isn't meant to remain in a closed-off area inside ourselves.  We must roll back the stone and allow the Risen Jesus to freely move in our lives.  Like the apostles, allow Jesus to walk through your walls of fear and touch you with His peace, love, and forgiveness.

  Go out and boldly proclaim the Good News! Let the world know that Jesus is your Lord and Savior, too!


Sunday, April 7, 2024

God's Divine Mercy


  Sometimes, I struggle to define God's Mercy. It is more incredible than mere words could describe. God loves me more than I could understand and definitely more than I deserve. My sins are many, and His love is endless. My self-interest constantly distracts me, and He patiently waits for my focus to return. I walk away and then cry out for help, and instantly, His arms are holding me close. When my pain overwhelms me, He picks me up and allows me to rest my head against His Most Sacred Heart. I constantly demand more, and He reveals His pierced heart and says, "Child, I have given you all you need. I even gave up my life so that death would have no power over you."

 My sweet Jesus, celebrating your Divine Mercy today is my great delight. So many times, I have begged for Your Mercy for myself and my loved ones! I am so blessed and grateful that you listen to my cries as if I were the only person in the world. You exchange my anxieties with peace and my fears with your love. My soul exclaims, "I am eternally grateful," and I hear You whisper, "I will be yours for eternity." 

 Jesus, I trust in you and in Your Plans. Please have mercy on me and on the whole world.  


Sunday, March 31, 2024

Easter Morning Joy


  The crowd's noise drew me to the window. As I peered out, I saw Jesus struggling to walk with his cross. He looked nothing like the man I had heard preach. He had been filled with light, love, and life. Did he glance my way? I wanted to reach out to help, but I felt fearful and imprisoned behind the window. Later that day, I heard he died.

 Early Sunday morning, a bright light shone through the window. I heard a voice say, "You are no longer a prisoner. Fear has no power over you. I have risen. Believe, and you will be free." His outstretched hand reached for me. I placed my hand in his, and he pulled me into His Light. I felt renewed!

 I believe in His Resurrection! Today, I will rejoice and tell the world, "Jesus, my Lord and Savior, has saved me from sin and death! I am filled with His Light, His love, and His Life! My life is now changed forever!" Yesterday, I was a prisoner of my fears; He has set me free today. What a glorious new day! I will leave my old ways behind and walk in His Light! Alleluia! 
