Sunday, June 5, 2022



  "There appeared to them tongues of fire. The Spirit came and rested on each one of them." It was personal. One-on-one. And they began to speak in different languages as the Spirit enabled them. 

 The Holy Spirit isn't looking for a one size fits all experience. The Holy Spirit is looking for a very personal one-on-one relationship. The Holy Spirit wants to be connected to each of us. We must recognize that we are not flying solo through life. Jesus promised he would be with us, and He is. He gives us His body in the Eucharist and His Spirit in Baptism. Jesus pours His divine love into us. So why don't we always feel Spirit-filled?

 Perhaps it's just because we are better at looking outward rather than inward. The Holy Spirit dwells in us. Sure we would like to see tongues of fire and feel powerful winds when we pray, but the outward signs are the exception and not the norm. The inward signs should help us recognize the Holy Spirit. The burning in your heart to pray, help, and speak out. A sudden moment of inspiration or clarity that changes everything. The ability to love and forgive through your pain. The strength and courage it takes to fight loneliness, injustice, and loss come from the Holy Spirit. 

The apostles did not walk around with tongues of fire over their heads throughout their ministry. That outward sign changed them once and forever. Once they recognized the power of the Holy Spirit, the inward movements changed them and the world. And so it is with us. The sacraments are the outward signs that invite us into a deeper, closer relationship with Jesus. The Holy Spirit is as powerful to us today as 2000 years ago. Each of us can change the face of the earth. How? Turn inward. Pray to the Holy Spirit. Close your eyes and see things the Holy Spirit wants you to see and let Him change you.


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