Sunday, June 30, 2024

I Care


  I wanted to catch up on some much-needed landscaping work this weekend.  Nothing crazy, just trimming trees, pulling weeds, and laying down mulch. Halfway through the project, I realized I would need more mulch.  My son and I jumped into the car to buy some more.  We hit up the landscaping store and then another retail store.  After the second store, I entered the car and glanced down at my knees.  "Oh my gosh," I exclaimed. "Why didn't you tell me my knees were all stained from laying down the mulch?"

  My son said, "Don't worry about it, Mom.  No one's going to notice or care."

  "You don't think anyone in the last two stores wondered why my knees were stained?  I could have easily washed it off."  A few minutes later, I started another conversation with my son.  "So, how many of your friends go to church?"

  My son gave me a face,  "None of them.  Nobody cares about church."

  "Seriously, that's so sad."  Later in the day, I couldn't help but recall these two conversations. I kept hearing the words "Nobody cares" in my thoughts.

  I want to announce to everyone that I care and invite anyone who has been away from the Mass to come back. I care about your relationship with Jesus. It must be so challenging to live life without Him. There is nothing complicated about coming back.  God welcomes you with open arms. As just as a bit of soap and water washed my stains, God can also cleanse you.  He's just waiting to shower you with His graces. So come on back home. God has a beautiful fountain of Mercy that He can't wait to share with you!


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