Sunday, June 2, 2024

Having a Moment


  As I approached the altar, I heard a voice, “Who do you say I am?”

  I answered, “You are my Lord and Savior. The Son of the living God.”

  “Do you believe this is my flesh for the life of the world?”

  “ Yes, I do! Amen. “

  The sacrad host was placed in my hand. I am not important, yet God Almighty allows me to hold his heart in my hands." Lord Jesus, I am amazed that you have allowed me to stand in Your presence and join my small heart with Your great love."

  Jesus smiled and said, “My dear child, I made your heart like mine. It, too, is capable of merciful love. Let me nourish your heart to love without judgment, prejudice, or jealousy. If you allow me to enter, I can do great things even with a small heart. “

  “Jesus, I trust you and open my heart completely to you. Transform me, Jesus. You are the Son of the living God.  Nothing is impossible for You. Nothing.”

  As I returned to my pew, I felt an indescribable change in my heart. It was filling with the sweet divine love of Jesus. I am so blessed to receive the body and blood of Christ.


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