Sunday, June 23, 2024

Open The Door Please


  My children and I often disagree over politics, religion, and social norms. Our dinner conversations span from spirited debates to heated arguments, sometimes leading to premature departures from the table. We all hold firm beliefs and strive to be right. Yet, the challenge of truly considering another viewpoint remains. This challenge came to mind as I delved into the Gospel of John this past week. I found myself pondering why the Pharisees could not embrace Jesus' teachings.

 It's true that there are numerous reasons why the Pharisees couldn't embrace Jesus's teachings. However, today, I want to steer my thoughts in a different direction. I found myself contemplating how many times in my life I was so convinced of my correctness that I failed to perceive the voice of God.

 Jesus extends an invitation to each of us to partake in the feast of spiritual growth. But have I, in my arrogance, left the table prematurely when God challenged my beliefs to be more inclusive, loving, or forgiving? Have I reached a point where I believe I know enough, and thus, ceased my quest for deeper truths?  This week, I will ask God to heal my narrow-mindedness and open my heart, mind, and ears to those divine truths that I struggle to perceive, hear, and accept. Lord, I don't need to be right all the time, but I yearn to be on the right path that leads me to you.


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