Sunday, June 9, 2024

That's A Lot Of Celebrating!


   Sometimes, people focus on all the "rules" of Catholicism, and they might overlook how much Catholics like celebrating.  Sure, Lent was a long forty days of reflection, fasting, and repenting, but since Easter, we have been doing a lot of praising!  We just can't stop talking about God's incredible love for us! We have rejoiced in Jesus' Resurrection, joyously celebrated God's Mercy,  Jesus' Ascension into heaven, reveled in the pouring out of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost, marveled at the mystery of the Holy Trinity, cherished Jesus' Presence in the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, and turned our gaze upon the most Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary!  That's a lot of celebrating!

 I love being Catholic! I love that we joyously reflect on God's goodness. Trying to become holy is not dull. It is, in fact, enlightening.  Holy people have rich, vibrant lives filled with God's peace and love. So, if you looking for a life filled with fun, excitement, and celebrations, open your heart to the truths of your Catholic faith and let the fun begin! 


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